Cardinal Signs June Horoscopes 2023

Previously published on Collective World


The Sun in a fellow Cardinal sign can bring tension, and you may feel more inspired to be more competitive. Try not to go all out; instead, learn to be more of a tactician. The warrior is still within you, so there is no need to begin battles you cannot win. With the Sun here, you will be more diplomatic, patient, observant, and focused on the next steps. Slow and steady may feel irritating to you, but it’s the way that will help you achieve the best outcome. As Mercury prepares to move into the sign of Cancer on the 26th, it will be another transit that slows you but will help you learn. Prepare yourself for more emotional intelligence, patience, and love. This season brings you pleasant surprises, as long as you go at a reasonable pace.


Happy Solar Return! With the Sun in your sign, things get a little more interesting this year. For once, you can feel like you have a sense of control, thanks to Saturn making a trine to your sign, allowing you to feel centered and not burnt out. Treat and love yourself for the next several weeks. Pluto has returned to the sign of Capricorn, once again making you think about your relationships and the links to the past. While you could be encouraged to look back, Saturn and the Sun want you to look forward and focus on you. Be kinder to yourself and prioritize yourself more. Mars and Venus in Leo help to spark your confidence. Your birthday season is all about you, so make it about you, and don’t hide your star power.


Career goals could be on your mind right now. You are pushed to find new ways to be there for yourself while honoring your responsibilities. However, you are not new to this game. The Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius transits have taught you how to stay ahead and how to work smarter, not harder. With the Sun here, you are encouraged to become a team player, especially if you are placed in a leadership position. It is imperative to be fair and to play fair, since the Sun and Saturn are working together this month to help you work with others while balancing power. Communication is essential for all signs, but because you are in a position where others will follow your lead, make sure to take your time to listen.


Although this transit is romantically linked to you, it is still a reminder that much more internal work is needed for your relationships to thrive. The Sun in your house of partnerships brings to light the areas that could be a much-needed “wake-up call” for your connections. This season you will be pushed to tap into your emotional side, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Your ruler, Saturn, is also making a friendly aspect to your sign, helping you to find guidance from people you trust if you are feeling insecure. This season will help you to grow, especially once the Full Moon in your sign comes to play. Let go of the past hurts from relationships and don’t project onto others. 

Gemini New Moon Horoscopes 2023

Previously published in Collective World


Take out your notebook and start planning. Mercury and the Moon in Gemini are a dynamic combination that pushes you to explore and pursue your creative projects. You feel more aligned with your goals because you will feel supported by people around you that challenge and motivate you to keep your dreams alive.


This transit will bring you confidence and success into your world. The Moon in Gemini allows you to elevate and see beyond the superficial. It is a time to focus on building your foundation so you will be more empowered with every decision you make. This transit helps you make good connections that help you to go in the direction you want.


Having the moon in your sign can be a source of comfort, but you may feel like you are going within a lot more. The transit has you facing your fears and finding new ways to bring more grounding energy through Saturn. For the next six months, you will understand how to be more structured and learn to be more patient.


Finding your source of strength and empowerment is tied to this transit. You can break free without feeling held back. This transit allows you to write a new chapter and establish new goals. You are also going to find new methods of relaxation and meditation. With Mercury also in the same sign, you are taking care of yourself. 


Socializing will be delightful during this transit, as the Moon in Gemini sparks up your social batteries. With Venus and Mars currently in your sign, you have the opportunity to start new romantic relationships or strengthen your current one. This transit helps you to be more vulnerable with expressing yourself to romantic partners and take your relationship to new heights.


Things seem to work in your favor now with the Moon in the sign of Gemini, impacting your career for the next six months. It is a time for growth and improvement, as you see this as an opportunity to excel further in your career. You could feel very encouraged to join courses or read up on new things that will help you become more adept in your field.


Love and personal growth are linked to this transit. The Moon in Gemini serves as a gateway for you to continue to thrive and learn as much as you want. You could develop a love for learning multiple things while getting to know your romantic partner. You will be meeting plenty of inspirational people that help you shine comfortably in your light.


The Moon here pushes you to let go and remember to start fresh. For the next six months, this transit will allow you to transform and break free from the past. You are starting to metamorphose into someone powerful and courageous, thanks to Saturn giving you the tools for continued success.


With this transit, you can see the dynamics in your business and personal relationships. You can thrive here as the Moon offers you new opportunities for growth and improved communication. This transit also teaches you about what you want emotionally in romantic relationships. 


Taking care of yourself and knowing your limits will be on your mind during this transit. You are prompted to take some time off to recharge, recalibrate, and return to work with a better strategy. The Moon shows you how to find a balance between work and your personal life. It is a reminder to be aware of how you share your energy.


The Moon will allow you to be more in touch with your goals and dreams. It is a time to feel more connected with your creative potential. The Moon brings out your adventurous side, ready to learn new things, explore new places, and meet new people. It is a time when you feel very confident and engaged with happiness.


Breaking free from whatever is holding you back and learning to pave your path will be crucial for this transit. While Saturn offers you structure and caution, you will feel much more grounded with this lunar transit. You are not afraid to set your sights on something greater and more powerful.

Cancer Season Horoscopes 2023

Previously published in Collective World


The Sun in your house of home will be a period of restoration and grounding. You develop more trust in yourself and your abilities. During this time, you could do introspective work that will allow you to find more success on the career front. 


It is a moment where you find comfort in being surrounded by inspirational people that push you to new creative heights. The Sun here fuels you and gifts you some optimism, helping you feel more in tune with what you want and desire. This season, you are looking for your prize and are not afraid to win.


After the New Moon in your sign, you know how to start a new chapter that will catapult you throughout the rest of the year. With the Sun allowing you to honor and be there for yourself, others notice your confidence levels increasing. Don’t be afraid of what inspires you and take more control of your creativity.


Your birthday season finally begins, and having the Sun in your sign can feel like a renewal or an awakening. Your solar year seems promising with Jupiter giving you some optimism, encouragement, and a sense of direction. You are prepared to forgive and open your heart to new and fruitful experiences. It is a time to find love within you and to share it with those you cherish.


Closing the past chapters and beginning new ones is essential as this transit helps to elevate you. As the Sun moves closer to your ascendant, you will slowly be reenergized. Use this period to reflect and meditate. Your social calendar will still be interesting with Mars and Venus in your sign. Make sure not to give too much of your energy to others.


You have the support of your friends and family as this transit helps you to find much-needed self-forgiveness and inner joy. While Saturn can make you feel insecure, the people that love you will show you how you light up their world. This transit brings healing opportunities for your next chapter. Learn to trust yourself and communicate your feelings to others.


Cancer season will bring a new evolution in your career, with the Sun at the highest point in your chart bringing more responsibilities and a dose of reality. Saturn will push you to be prepared and to power through. Keeping track of the smaller tasks in your day-to-day can prove to be beneficial. Although you may feel overwhelmed with work, you know you have the motivation to excel. 


Saturn is making you more determined and goal-oriented during this Sun transit. This transit will offer you better opportunities to make solid plans that help you get a step closer to your dreams. You are crafting your tools to reach a new stage. It could be a time when you feel unstoppable.


During this transit, you will rediscover what makes you shine. There is a focus on healing, growing, and trusting yourself more. Step out and remember to take control. Fire signs are going to learn to rekindle their connection with themselves. Learn to love who you are and not to be afraid of letting others see your potential.


With the Sun bringing perspectives to your relationships, you will feel more empowered to make better choices. Saturn encourages you to step up your game. For the next month, there could be fruitful changes in your relationships that will help you and your partner develop a stronger bond.


Having the Sun here will push you to achieve focus and self-discovery. You are encouraged to look after yourself just a little more. The Sun wants you to craft good routines. This period will allow you to rediscover a new connection with yourself by taking breaks and listening to your body more.


Discovering a new way to introduce excitement into your life will be influenced by this transit. While Saturn is pushing you to focus on hard work, the Sun will energize you to change your attitude and be more optimistic. You are evolving and learning. The Sun allows you to reflect and appreciate the moment. You are reminded of the importance of happiness.

New Moon in Taurus 2023

Originally Published on Collective World

A time to learn to love, to let go, and to be free. The New Moon in Taurus on May 19, 2023, asks us to rebel and open our hearts to healing and love on a collective level. With this transit, we can feel the intensity as Pluto and Jupiter square off, forcing us to let go and change from within. During Jupiter’s reign in Taurus, we will have to learn a lot about loving ourselves and recognizing our worth. Fixed signs will be most impacted by this transit, but, we will all feel the echoes and waves of the New Moon for the next six months. It is a time to initiate, have confidence in our plans, and most importantly, trust our vision. Taurus energy is all about self-love, so make sure to be there for yourself before giving all your love and energy to someone else. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon sign.


Changing the game is on your mind so that things may continue to flow in your favor. Now with Jupiter shifting into Taurus, you will be able to prioritize making dreams a reality, with this planet giving your Midheaven more star power and energy. You are inspired during this New Moon, since you can set your sights on something greater.


Bringing your vision to life is important, especially if you have a project you have been working on for years. Now you have the momentum to make things happen. Since the New Moon is in your sign, you will be the star of the show. Make sure not to hide and be prepared to step into your power. People are taking notice of your star quality, and with Jupiter in your sign, there is an abundance of self-love in the works for you.


Aligning yourself with what you want is key with this transit. The Moon is bringing the focus on learning and expanding from the privacy of your home. The New Moon is also a time to take care of yourself and your needs. Jupiter in the same sign sparks your imagination and energy. You are recharging before your season begins in a few days.


There is a lot of magic building with this transit because you get to dream big and without limits. You feel supported and receiving recognition comes easier during this time. Now that Jupiter is in Venus-ruled Taurus, you can see your hard work starting to pay off. Although you will still have many responsibilities, it all seems much more manageable.


You are feeling unstoppable and more optimistic now that Jupiter is in the same sign as the New Moon. You are prepared to take on the world with this lovely transit happening in your Midheaven. You could be pushed to be in a leadership role, but you will easily excel. The New Moon allows you to radiate and be more assertive. 


Your relationship dynamics begin to change now as this New Moon transit has you feeling more ambitious. Planning and building are on your mind since you will be more focused on curating your vision for the future. You are putting your organizational skills to the test, especially with Jupiter in the same sign providing you with insight and direction. 


Jupiter and the New Moon will make you switch up your communication style with your partner. It is a period of deeper emotional bonding, since the New Moon gives you more emotional intelligence to empower you. You will feel supported and confident to address challenges now with Mercury also direct in the same sign.


Personal growth can happen during this New Moon transit. You are starting to understand what you seek in a relationship; however, you may be more immersed in developing something stronger with yourself. This is a time of self-empowerment for the next six months to bring better relationships that help you evolve into a stronger and more confident version of yourself.


The emphasis is on you right now as this lunar transit encourages you to be much more selfish and in command of your destiny. This transit allows you to heal emotionally and pursue the things you love. The New Moon transit encourages you to take breaks and rest if you feel stressed. Remember to be there for yourself.


It is an opportunity to embark on a new emotional journey with your partner to solidify your relationship’s foundation. The romantic energy of this transit sparks a lot of care, love, and hope. For the next six months, you can be focused on bringing more positivity to your love life and making more time to be there for your partner.


Your social calendar gets busy as this transit pushes you to seek out friends and family. You will see the value of those connections, especially if you felt like you needed some guidance. Aquarius may prefer to work alone and do things on their own, but you will be reminded that receiving help from others is essential. You will appreciate the support you have from the people you love the most.


Pisces can fall in love with learning during this transit. You will be much more interested in reading up on things that interest you without feeling self-conscious. As Saturn pushes in a new direction, the adventurer in you will want to explore and learn as much as possible from books and the people around you.

Mercury Direct in Taurus 2023

Previously Published on Collective World

Mercury is now direct as of May 14th, 2023. Mercury in Taurus has taken its time, making us all go at a slower pace and allowing us to see where we need to control our emotions, especially after the powerful Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Now that the planet of communication has stationed direct, we can feel a sense of relief since we can push ahead and not look back. With the Eclipse on the 5th of May rocking our world, we did plenty of inner work, healing, and second chances. Now we have the opportunity to craft our new chapter without fear. Things flow easier now, especially with planets in Taurus slowly moving to Gemini. Things move quickly and there is more insight and clarity. It is your time to believe in yourself and not be halted by insecurity. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon signs.


You are writing your story and trusting your vision. With Mercury now direct, it is time for you to keep conversations short and simple. Avoid conflict during this time, especially with people that do not respect you. It is your time to value who you are and know when to set those boundaries.


Now that Mercury is direct, you have more control and could channel your inner power player. This is the time to get those plans in motion, do the final revisions, and get to the editing stage. You are feeling more in command now that you can express yourself more logically and with more clarity.


Nothing is getting in your way now that Mercury is direct and pushing you forward. With your new outlook, you could be feeling more in tune with your mind, body, and spirit. Emotionally, this transit will push you to maintain calm when changes happen. Saturn has your back, grounding you before you make any impulsive decisions.


Communicating now just got easier and you are ready to go with the flow. The transit has people you work for recognizing your value. As a Cardinal sign, you could be dreading the slow pace of this transit. Nonetheless, now you feel like the traffic jam has cleared and you can cruise ahead. Make sure to schedule some relaxing time with friends and family.


There may have been periods where you may have felt as if you were being put to the test, but now things make sense and you can get the answers you desired. Mercury Direct helps you to be more practical and confident with your decision-making skills. It is a time to focus on triumphs and not back down. You are ready to continue to shine.


Since Mercury is making a positive aspect to your sign, this transit may have felt healing and illuminating. Things are ready to move and you can be more enamored with the prospect of building, learning, and expanding to make your dreams a reality. Earth signs could feel unstoppable during this time, since things are working in your favor this Taurus season.


Mercury has you aiming for the stars and building a stronger foundation that can help you with your goals and careers. With the planet direct, you may shift your direction towards your romantic life. Mercury brings you more excitement and calm teaching you to heal and let go. While you are ready to pave the way for your next chapter, you need to know how to value yourself.


Many lessons were learned during this transit, especially with the eclipse occurring in your sign. A time to find your source of power and control. Finding balance in your relationship is essential. This is a reminder not to be too controlling and to learn to forgive and listen when you can, especially if you are at fault.


The story with this transit is focused on how well you have treated yourself. Mercury is a gentle reminder to go slow and not let anxious thoughts get the best of you. Now that the planet is moving forward, make sure you don’t move back. Be patient. Apply what you learned and don’t repeat mistakes.


Your love life may have experienced many surprises during this transit, but now you are much more mindful and prepared to make decisions with confidence. Mercury set the stage for you to work out any relationship problems, and with the planet moving forward, you can move on from the past and focus on the now.


There is more movement now as you can craft fruitful plans that help you on your journey to success. As Mercury stations direct, you could see that you will be more efficient at work and your colleagues will notice. You can make home a space where you can recharge with care and create new endeavors that spark your creativity.


As the planet of communication stations direct, you see that your planning is now going smoother. You could also feel a burst of confidence and motivation. Mercury allows you to dream big and to be more practical with the direction you are going. Saturn is shaping you to be more structured, and Mercury is providing guidance.