New Moon in Aquarius: Dynamic Changes

New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st, 2022, and this seems like a good time to kick off the New Year with our goals and dreams in mind. It could feel challenging with the New Moon squaring Uranus and conjunct Saturn, but nothing worth working for is ever easy. Although we can face the challenges from the Square, there is hope lingering in the air, especially with Jupiter in domicile. Aquarius is represented by the Star card in the Tarot, which is the perfect reminder to be fearless when it comes to our goals and to never dim our light. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – This transit brings a new phase and, you might feel a lot more confident reclaiming your independence during this time. There is a realization that friends come and go, but you are empowered to keep pushing through it. Make it your goal to find empowerment within and prepare to achieve all of your goals.

Taurus – Your career and goals are a major focus for you during this time. Make fruitful plans since you are going to be highly motivated during this moment. Expect to meet new people, find your footing and be a lot more confident. Patience is your friend during this period.

Gemini – The New Moon in Capricorn will shift your perspective and allow you to explore any spiritual thoughts or paths you might have been considering. You could be a lot more open to meeting people that challenge your beliefs and learn a few things from them even if you do not agree with them at first. New learning experiences await.

Cancer – You will be more confident with facing anything that has been holding you back. This New Moon could bring memories from the past but Jupiter in Pisces will back you with the confidence boost needed to keep feeling strong.

Leo – With this New Moon, you are reflecting on your dynamic with other people. It could be a wonderful time to learn more about your partner and understand them on a powerful emotional level. During this period you also focus on striking a balance with the people around you.

Virgo – 2022 has made you a lot more prepared to work for what you want without any fears. 2021 has evolved you and made you (and all of us) a lot wiser. Your game plans now carry a lot more meaning for you. Jupiter in Pisces brings you support from those people you love surrounding you.

Libra – Prepare to fall in love more with yourself during this transit. You are going to feel a lot more inspired and romantic as the Aquarius Moon guides you into pushing your boundaries and experiencing new books, meeting new people, or just changing your mindset to positivity.

Scorpio – Take your time to relax and come back to your home as the New Moon brings family to your focus. Notable mention goes to the sign of Jupiter, bringing that sense of optimism to water signs. As you feel the grounding energy from the Moon, you can also experience or feel love and joy from Jupiter.

Sagittarius – Find comfort in the people around you that care and are here to help you push ahead. This New Moon shows you who your real friends are and it is also a good moment to get those creative juices flowing. 

Capricorn – This New Moon changes the game for you. It is your time to learn more about self-love and care. If you have not prioritized yourself, get ready to do so. The Jupiter transit will bring you to balance with the confidence needed to express your needs and wants as well.

Aquarius – A reflective period where your identity comes to focus. This is your moment to make your dreams the spotlight for the next six months. The New Moon in your sign is a reminder that we are all magical stars in the sky. Appreciate and love yourself.

Pisces – Your dreams become more powerful during this transit and you are preparing yourself for a lot more fruitful and wonderful things brewing in time for your New Moon transit next month. You could feel the need to connect with yourself. Spend your time taking it easy or reading a good book.

New Moon in Aquarius: Empowering Ideas

The New Moon in Aquarius is an opportunity for all of us to reconnect with our potential. It is a time to break free from what makes us comfortable and explore new venues to create new opportunities for growth and success. With this transit being part of a major stellium (group of planets in Aquarius), we are going to be more tuned in with the topics dealing with the collective. Use your power to help others and make a change could be one interpretation. Another is to focus on healing in order to build better bonds with others. Overall, this New Moon should be magnetic and inspiring for many of us, even if we do not have any fixed or air placements.

Aries – With this transit you must set your sights on bigger things for this New Year. The challenges you faced during the last few years are now showing you the fruits of your labor. Expect many surprises during this transit and continue to aim higher than ever because you will not be disappointed. There will also be a sudden need to analyze your inner circle. Expect some changes in relationships.

Taurus – You have the stellium in Aquarius working in your favor. This means that you need to be your own motivator and cheerleader. Whatever you want now you can get; all you need is to have unwavering hope and faith in yourself. This transit will give you a sense of love for yourself and what you do.

Gemini – During this New Moon transit you will be more analytical and wary of moving too quickly. However, this will not inflict you with any sense of fears. You have learned from the past and might be more meticulous now with executing your goals and dreams. This transit will fill you with optimism and you will trust you are in the right track.

Cancer – When this New Moon transit begins, you will be doing a lot of reflecting. It will be a period of clearing out the negative things in your life to make way for more positive influences. Changing your mentality first will be of great help. This transit will have you battling with things from the past but you will have the fortitude to face them with Venus and Jupiter in the same sign too.

Leo – There will be attraction and influences of love during this transit. You can change the game in your personal relationships as this period will be one of evaluation. Speak up if things are not what you expect with partners. Be more assertive with what you want. This transit brings a hypnotic quality to your relationships. Explore and have fun.

Virgo – This is the beginning of a new regiment. If you have lacked focus and motivation, this New Moon is going to make you feel as if you are right on track. While you analyze how things have been going you are going to make plans to create better habits for yourself and others.

Libra – You will be welcoming this New Moon since it will be a great time to establish your sense of independence and creative spirit. Here you are not going to shy away from the spotlight since it might be calling you more. A powerful moment to express yourself and let your charismatic side bring new people into your life.

Scorpio – The promises of this New Moon are linked to the overall transit that will accompany you and other fixed signs for the next several years. You can feel conflicted from area relating to your personal and work life, but this Moon will gift you with grounding energy and with the stellium, this can be a good time to initiate something that will be fruitful in the long run. Balancing power and control now will be key for the future.

Sagittarius – A great benefit from this transit is that you will feel sparks in the air. There will be new people you meet or those from the past that you reconnect with during this period. It is a great time to settle grudges. Strive for peaceful connections now with Venus also in Aquarius. The healing you do now will inspire some new creative projects.

Capricorn – With this transit you will understand the need for your financial independence. Planning will be crucial for you and fellow Earth signs since it will allow you all for a much practical way to achieve your goals for the next several years. The New Moon will give you ideas to generate, preserve and be savvier with your financial and material things.

Aquarius – A lovely transit for you as the Moon joins a bulk of planets in your sign. This can be your time to manifest. Do not be afraid to dream big during this transit because anything you set your sights on can happen. This is a nice transit to start fresh and to focus on your goals.

Pisces – Just a week away from your season beginning but this transit gets you in tune with your needs and wants for the next six months. You are going through a transitional and transformative phase this year because big things will be happening soon for you. If you have needed grounding and focus, this transit will have you feeling aligned and in tune with your own spiritual needs and wants.

New Moon in Capricorn: Finding Strength

The New Moon in Capricorn will be on January 13th, 2021 and it will be felt for the next several months. This is one powerful transit since the New Moon will conjunct Pluto. It can translate into an emotional period for many of us, especially those with prominent cardinal placements in their chart. A New Moon in Capricorn can also be a period of initiation and focusing on getting the job done. Anything you have outstanding might become a top priority to complete as well. We will be passionate, confronting tough emotional cycles and we will be focused on finding resolutions. This transit will show us the greatness that we can achieve with patience and determination.

Aries – With this powerful moon in your house of honors, you will see that this month will give you the tools needed to shine brighter than before. Now that Venus is also in the same sign, you have the charm, grace, and fortitude to make a strong impression that can impact you for the next several months.

Taurus – This will be a reflective period for you and one where your ideologies might be challenged or altered. With the New Moon making a trine to your sign, you will be motivated for success and driven to make changes. It also helps that Mars is in your sign keeping your mind on track for the victory.

Gemini – It has been quite the ride for Geminis with Capricorn transits. You are on your way to making positive changes in your life that increase your confidence. It is also beneficial that Venus is already here, providing a stable energy and some optimism this year.

Cancer – The dynamic you have with others will be changed with this New Moon transit. You have learned a lot from Saturn in Capricorn, and you are on your way to claiming everything you want. For the next several months expect to meet new people that can transform your life.

Leo – With this transit you can expect a positive change in your routines from a practical standpoint that will make you more likely to stick to your plans. This New Moon demands your attention and patience, so do not stress yourself too much.

Virgo – Expect some surprises with your personal life during this transit. You can have an interesting romantic life in the next several months if you allow yourself to feel the magic that this New Moon has to offer. It also helps that Venus is in the same sign. Although it can feel melancholy at times, you will have a pleasant transit.

Libra – During this transit you will prioritize career as well as home. There will also be a focus on finances and your own goals during this time. You are not afraid to look ahead, to make the adjustments necessary to move forward. This New Moon brings potent emotions, but you also have the courage to face what is ahead.

Scorpio – This transit is going to increase your charm. You are going to be like a mentor to others since you will experience a much clearer and better way of communicating. While this can be an emotional transit for many, you are going to be able to be more logical and grounded.

Sagittarius – With this New Moon, you need to find your dynamic force. This is the time where you need to begin seeing yourself in a better light. One of the tips from Saturn in Capricorn was trying not to be too hard on yourself. This transit will make you feel formidable.

Capricorn – This New Moon transit in your sign is a period of renewal and finding your independence and inner strength. As a Capricorn you do not shy away from challenges and although this transit will make you emotional, thanks to the conjunction with Pluto, you still have the power to navigate the obstacles ahead.

Aquarius – During this transit you will prioritize yourself and your needs. This is a good transit to reflect and begin the planning phase for projects you might have had on your mind. There could also be a shift towards self-care, and you might be inspired to start a new routine that makes you more motivated.

Pisces – Here you will have the chance to stand out and shine during the next several months with this transit. You are at a place where you might be feeling confident about yourself as well as your path. The people you have around you will motivate you and inspire you to achieve more success.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will grace us on December 14th, 2020. We are already in eclipse season having experienced the Gemini Full Moon earlier in the month and now with the expansive energy of Sagittarius returning to get us back on track. Although we did not feel the fun and optimistic energy that Jupiter has to offer this year, the eclipse will give us some of the optimism that we need before Saturn enters Aquarius on the 17th. Eclipses are powerful and normally represent a shift in course as we all anticipate the changes just in time for the New Year. The trine to Mars will bring out our passion and drive. This will be a time of courage and finding our own sense of power. We will feel motivated to reach for the stars. It is not a good time to manifest during this eclipse season, but it is a great time to reflect and to see our growth. We have made it to the final act of 2020 and now we can have a little fun as we feel ourselves slowly rising from the ashes.

Aries – Lots of learning will be your focus with this transit. You can just feel how this eclipse is going to be epic for you with the expansive energy brewing in the atmosphere. This is your time to invest in your education as well as expanding your mind. The adventures could await you in the books you dive into. It does not mean you have to spend money, since you can also learn a lot of things by borrowing books and joining free webinars.

Taurus – The lessons you learned during Scorpio Season might repeat themselves now. There will be a transformation when it comes to your relationships as well as your value system. If you feel like you need to invest in more of the spiritual, the eclipse will prompt you to meditate and to tune into you. There could also be a change in investment and financial planning, learning more about finances might be another move for you during this transit.

Gemini – The eclipse will transform your relationship energy for the next several months. With the Venus Retrograde transit earlier this year in your sign, you are now ready to go for what you want and are not afraid to seek it. With the Full Moon Eclipse in your sign, you are still reeling from the influx of emotions and changes that have been headed your way. Expect some motivation from friends and family, a recipe for more successes in the future.

Cancer – The overall focus for you during this eclipse season will be on mending and healing. The Solar eclipse in Sagittarius gives you a sense of optimism and you might be very inspired to start a new healthy habit and focus more on the things that bring you calm and peace in your life. Although Mars is still in fellow Cardinal sign Aries, this eclipse will amp up the pressures at work, but it will not feel like a tough transit. You will be gliding, feeling some of the pressure wear off but with the determined energy to motivate you to succeed.

Leo – A lot of excitement will present itself with this Solar Eclipse in fellow fire sign, Sagittarius! You are in your element and this energy is just what you needed towards the end of the year. As we all brace ourselves for this upcoming Saturn transit in your sister sign, Aquarius, you will go with the flow and find your path. This eclipse will give you confidence, energy, and insight. What Saturn in Capricorn restricted, you will reclaim with this transit (even if it’s brief).

Virgo – Changes can happen at home and it will be brewing with the beginning of this Solar Eclipse. For the next six months you will see how things begin to shift and it will be welcoming since Sagittarius is expansive and optimistic energy. This eclipse will also give you a sense of empowerment to finally cut ties off with the past. You are in a phase of prosperity and movement, so keep your head up and stay strong.

Libra – One way to handle the energies of this eclipse is to immerse yourself in topics that interest you because you will have the mindset to absorb everything academic now. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius makes you to feel confident in your expression also and you will have the ability to impress a lot of people during this transit. If you have also contemplated writing a book or beginning a new project, this can be the greenlight you needed to get things rolling.

Scorpio – It will be an interesting transit for you with the Solar Eclipse motivating you to bring a little more care and love to yourself. You will be analyzing your own worth as this energy activates you house of routines. It can be a time where you will be more focused on creating new habits that will allow you to flourish both mentally and physically. Learning more about how you manage your finances will be a theme also during this transit. Make sure to find your balance and not to overdo things.

Sagittarius – With this Solar Eclipse in your sign, you will experience the biggest transformation. This energy is going to be powerful for many Sagittarius risings since it will be breaking down aspects of your appearance and personality and rebuilding them. This can feel like a mini-Saturn transit (remember when Saturn was in your sign in 2016) and you will feel that energy shake you up, but you will be able to navigate it with ease. A change will be like a breath of fresh air for you! How exciting!

Capricorn – As a sign that has worked hard and felt the challenges over the last few years with Saturn transiting your sign, now is the time for you to bring that treat yourself energy as we gear up for the major Saturn sign changes during the week of the 14th. Eclipse season will highlight your house of secrets, motivating you to be more contemplative and private. This can be a period of renewal for you as you give yourself that rest and care away from prying eyes.

Aquarius – How you connect with others and their impact in your life will be felt with this powerful Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This is your time to claim those rewards you have been expecting after all the hard work you have done. You have a great support system and if there are people that are not in it to help you, you will feel empowered to move on from certain relationships. This eclipse will make you feel sharper and more confident in your words and actions. The sky is the limit.

Pisces – A period of renovation and hard work will occur when the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius happens. You will have a lot of eyes on you starting now and lasting for the next six months. Overall, this is not too bad even if it might feel a little overwhelming for you. Mutable signs will feel this change occur and it will help all of you in the long run as this is a period of transformation and new energy. Stay focused and work hard to get to where you want to go.

New Moon in Leo: Acceptance

New Moons are a period of renewal and a chance to reflect on what we would like moving forward. This New Moon in Leo on August 18th will be filled with the excitement and promise that Leo Season has to offer to us. Its impact will continue to follow us until early next year. Although we are not over the tougher transits and the changing state of the world, this New Moon can give us a little bit of harmony and exhilaration that so many of us have craved for so long. It will be a different energy as we all buckle down and get ready for what Virgo Season has to offer. For now, enjoy this transit because we all deserve to have a little fun in our lives even amidst what feels chaotic.

Aries – An exciting phase for you begins with this transit. The New Moon will be a much-needed luxury as you begin to awaken spiritually. You will want to seek more time to find the creature comforts that make you feel at ease. Romance and a sense of new creative inspiration can begin now with much promise and excitement for the next months to come.

Taurus – This is a period of rest and relaxation as you also tie it in with your roots and the need to bring a comfortable environment to your home. You are feeling more connected with your family as well as those who you consider to be family. It is an empowering moment with Mars and the Moon flowing with an energy that allow you to get things done. Expect to be inspired to create magic at home.

Gemini – You will get to showcase what you are made of with this transit. The New Moon has you feeling empowered with it comes to communicating and getting your point across. You will want to learn more about as many things that interest you and you will share it with your social circles or those who follow you on social media. This transit will have you radiating and showing off your brilliance.

Cancer – Finding ways to create a space of care and good vibes will be important to you this transit. Abandon all forms of anxiety or lack of self-confidence since this will hold you back from your full potential. You are finding the balance between work and your identity. With this New Moon transit, you will be focused on growth and learning that you are worthy of much more.

Leo – This New Moon in your sign is an initiation and a new beginning for you. It will be a cycle of change and all that you put forward now will be reflected for months to come. A period of emotional and spiritual renewal awaits you, as you become more curious and knowledgeable about the world around you. You will reconstruct your persona and this new you will have the courage and power to claim the throne.

Virgo – You will be abandoning all sense of fear and setbacks with this transit. The New Moon will have you in hermit mode, but you will be ready to take on challenges to come. You are channeling your inner warrior and fighter as you embark on a new spiritual journey before your season begins. Changes are awaiting and this transit has you contemplating your next steps so you can shine through next month.

Libra – Part of you was relishing this new energy as you desperately craved a boost of excitement from the periods of challenges brought about by Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. Now you feel the energy from this New Moon bringing you back to what you know best, connecting. Socializing will take on new levels as you get back to center stage, reconnecting and meeting new people through social media. You are moving away from the harsher parts of these Cardinal transits, ready for the next phase in your journey.

Scorpio – With this New Moon in Leo, you are here to connect and show everyone why you are in your throne. Scorpios are in their moment with the wave of inspiration, creativity and confidence this Leo Season. Use this moment to continue to strive and work harder for what you want and show everyone your true potential.

Sagittarius – It will be a fun transit for you, Sagittarius as you feel the momentum shifting in your favor. You are evaluating your moves and the steps needed to make things happen. Luckily for you, this Mars transit will be an added boost for you as you seek out new methods of learning and understanding as well as relishing in the potential excitement these transits have to offer you.

Capricorn – The New Moon in Leo for you means that this can be a little complex for you since you might be more in a nostalgic vibe during this transit. You might be feeling very emotional, trying to navigate through the setbacks of the past, battles at home and the fear the future can bring. let go of the anxiety, reclaim your control. Do not suppress emotions because this is a great time to feel them and allow them to heal you.

Aquarius – You are in for a treat with this New Moon transit falling in your house of partnerships. You can feel motivated to start a project or business with people you trust. On the romantic front, you will feel ready to take things onto the next level if you are currently paired up. If you are single, you might feel motivated to dive into the dating world. Overall, thrive and rejoice during this transit.

Pisces – With this New Moon transit will have you focusing on perfecting your craft and getting things done. This is a period where you will feel motivated enough to see things through because you will feel emotionally satisfied by your successes. Your skills will be put to the test and you are going to perfect what you already know. Continue to work hard at what you are doing because you will eventually see the fruits of your labor.

New Moon in Pisces: Hidden Self

This New Moon in Pisces happening on February 23rd, 2020 will help us all tap into the self. We will be reminded of what it means to have compassion, show honesty and how we help others (or if we even try to). Pisces Season brings a mirror to the soul, letting us know our darker selves and exposing the bitter truths. This moment in time will push us to reflect and with the Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, it will feel both pleasant and painful as we go back and forth to come to terms with what has inhibited us in the past and how we are making changes for a better future. Remember that we should not beat ourselves up, instead we should learn about what has challenged us, how we have stopped our own growth and tackle what is to come.

Aries – The New Moon in Pisces will make you more pensive and part of you will want to take a break and work on yourself. Remember, that healing takes time and so does the process that goes along with it. Try not to rush to get those answers you have wanted, especially with the current Mercury Retrograde also happening in the sign of Pisces. Think before you speak, take time for yourself and to care for you. With Venus in your sign, you will feel a little bit of the vibrancy and joy associated with your sign. This will be a replacing period, as long as you try not to rush the process.

Taurus – With this energy, you will feel it in a favorable way. The New Moon in Pisces will bring some nostalgia associated to friendships and other connections. This Retrograde period will push you to reconnect with others as well as work out any differences that you may have. It will be a time for reflection, and you will see those parts in yourself that have felt dormant, but you will want to tap into move. Expect the unexpected during this period as many doors will open, connections will be made, and you will be in good spirits. This is a fun time to dream and experience the magic others have to offer.

Gemini – Try to be conscious of the power that will come surging through you this New Moon. It will be a moment of confidence and hope as you make solid decisions that should help you catapult your way to the top. Mercury Retrograde will make its presence felt as it will force you to rewind, redo and repeat. These steps you take now will help you in the long run. Perfection might be your endgame, but for now, feel it all with the process and take your time learning the missteps as well as the successes. You will get your game face on as you come out of this transit with clearer goals and action plans.

Cancer – What a rush this New Moon will bring to you as you try to move into a higher plane of consciousness or just thinking about your next getaway. You might feel on top of the world and popular during this transit, thanks to Venus in Aries, giving you the burst of confidence to make changes, to appear more rebellious but always with an unmistakable charm that will draw people to you like bees to honey. However, there might be something missing. With this transit, you will solidify the pieces needed to bring out your uniqueness which you have been seeking to feel centered. Embrace this new chapter.

Leo – Pisces season will bring a lot of things into focus for you as you try to bring a balance to your life. Resolving issues that have kept you from evolving will be one of those major themes. With these planets in the sign of Pisces, you will feel that healing energy in a peaceful way. The one problem will be the Mercury Retrograde, that might keep pushing you until you are settled, emotionally and physically. The ability to cut the chords with these problems will help encourage a new phase for the new you. The Retrograde will help you to finally let go and the New Moon will provide the keys needed to move forward.

Virgo – You will be one of the few signs this Mercury Retrograde that will have an intense focus on love and relationships. Do not let the hypocritical side of yours begin got analyze the smallest things in order to abandon ship when it comes to relationships. Take it easy, enjoy the people in your life who bring you love and joy. Look deep within and be more introspective instead of action oriented. This Piscean phase will allow for you to reconnect to what matters when it comes to bonding in romances. For friendships, you will find solace in those friends that have shown you they are always there for you and you matter. Promote love and joy in your life with this New Moon.

Libra – This New Moon, you will be feeling the love and hope, thanks to Venus in Aries, your sister sign. You will feel you have been waiting to achieve some successes in love. However, this New Moon transit will bring the focus back on you. Whatever parts of yourself you have been neglecting, be it spiritually, emotionally or physically, now is the time to reach inside and explore what you might have abandoned about you. Your sign wants to be balanced and this energy will help you get it. While you battle with the dynamics at home, you will be achieving completion with the self, work and love. Just make sure to come back to center and make the adjustments to achieve more successes.

Scorpio – This period in time should be a moment of excitement and joy but those stressors will still be in play due to Neptune, the planet of illusions, will be in the same sign as the New Moon, Sun and Mercury. Mars has entered Capricorn, so use this opportunity to become sharper when it comes to what you want and how to get it. The Mercury Retrograde will make you reflect on the past romantic experiences and what you need to discover in order not to repeat the same patterns. Rethink, rework and redo. Those people in the past will come back to reflect on challenges and obstacles you have faced. This New Moon in Pisces will teach you that you should still incorporate fun in your life, even when the going gets tough. Carpe diem.

Sagittarius – Tranquility is what you will seek with this New Moon transit. What has become obscured to you will be revealed slowly in the next six months and the answers will appear in your home. For now, enjoy the creative energy that will burst to you as you plan on making some aesthetic changes to your home base. With Venus in fellow fire sign Aries, you will feel the magic of this transit as it makes you feel empowered and filled with happiness. It is only a matter of time before the Sun enters Aries and the artistic side in you will expand even more.

Capricorn – Harmony comes to mind with this New Moon transit in Pisces. You may have the opportunity to do a lot of work that you have been putting off. With the Mercury Retrograde, you now have the opportunity to tackle anything outstanding with a clear head and heart. The best outlet for you will be to express yourself through writing, painting, dancing or any other forms of art. With Mars in your ruling sign, you are in the zone during this time and others will definitely notice as you keep on succeeding and showing everyone what you are made of. Venus in Aries will be grounded and steady as you bring peace to your home even if it is in the chaos of Aries, which you know how to handle.

Aquarius – There can be a stagnant period for you revolving action as Mars waits to enter your sign. Keep in mind that Neptune is in in Pisces, force feeding some things that are not too clear about yourself. With Mercury Retrograde and the Sun in the same sign, your perception might now become somewhat distorted as you grapple coming to terms with what your reality truly is regarding the self and your financial stability. Use this time to get your affairs in order and make a game plan if it is needed. Mercury will help you to focus on what needs to change, if you need to save or if you need to learn how to give yourself more love and care.

Pisces – It is your time of year with the Sun, New Moon and Mercury in your sign. There will be a lot of reevaluating done when it comes to learning more about you with these planets shaping and changing who you will become in the next year. Venus in Aries helps give you that footing to help you grow into your new phase. You will learn to value and love yourself more. If you have mastered all of this self love and need to find a way to keep the peace with others, now will be the time to learn to be a little more kind as well. Your sign brings you back down to earth and reminds you to be compassionate, caring and giving. However, this New Moon is a period of thinking about you, strengthening your esteem and allowing you to evolve and love. Achieve a balance where your self love and devotion to others will be true and not superficial.

New Moon in Capricorn: Goodbye to Bad Habits

The New Moon in Capricorn is on December 26th, 2019. This will be an important transition before the New Year, setting the groundwork for what is to come. After the dramatics of the Gemini Full Moon earlier this month, many of us experienced what felt like a Mercury Retrograde. There was a lot of nervous energy, a lot of multitasking and because it felt like everything went on so fast, it has now left us wondering whether anything was accomplished at all. It is a big holiday month and a time to come closer with family and how fitting that this transit happens right around Christmas Time. We formally bid the year a goodbye as we appreciate what we have learned and get ready to embark on our new path. The New Moon will help us find that purpose that will help us in our journey for 2020.

Aries – This New Moon will give you the much-needed reenergizing that you have been craving for. You have worked hard for this moment and you will still need to go in harder. It is not over yet for many Aries as you all deal with the Pluto and Saturn conjunction as well as the Sun and Moon all in the sign of Capricorn. However, with Jupiter in the same sign, you will feel empowered to keep going. The New Moon reminds those in positions of power just how formidable you can be. You are here to claim it all.

Taurus – With the New Moon in Capricorn, you will feel a sense of enlightenment and a new method to problem solve. The grounding energy will keep you right on track as you plan and put through your goals with ease. Be methodical, don’t rush and you will see your dreams become a reality. This is a great opportunity to take some time off and go explore in other places. You might meet inspirational people there.

Gemini – These transits have been a great lesson for you in the last two years. With the New Moon in Capricorn, you might feel like the answers you have searched for are within reach. Pluto and Saturn in the Scorpio House can be overwhelming for many natives, but you have the tools to navigate through the path and the New Moon provides that. Some habits will be ended, and you will gain a sense of relief and clarity that will illuminate you for the next year.

Cancer – It is a moment to claim your role in the world. 2020 will be a year where you can make big moves through connections and partnerships. However, you cannot allow yourself to be fooled by the sheep dressed as wolves and you cannot be the wolf dressed as a sheep because everything will be exposed. Change your mentality this New Moon and start to see the world through clearer eyes. Live your truth and you’ll see the truth behind what others present to you.

Leo – Leos faced a challenging year especially with these outer planets in the sign of Capricorn. Right when you might have felt like giving up, Jupiter in Sagittarius helped to bring you back to your normal self. This New Moon will bring back some of that optimism from that last Jupiter transit. A sense of hope will be there for you as you will feel confident enough to focus more on you and getting back to your royal self. Put the love in healing yourself and to strengthen yourself physically and emotionally.

Virgo – The upcoming year will be filled with new mysteries and interesting people that will be gracing your life. For those who are single, expect a wave of excitement (and potential disappointments) since Saturn and Pluto are still blocking your creative energies and bringing some harsh reality to your dating life. Either way, Jupiter might still bring forth lots of entertainment and inspiration.

Libra – A trying year 2019 has been for you since you have been put through tests that have made you stronger than ever. Your battles have been kept silent and you have shown incredible resilience, keep at it and you will see that the path before you will be a little easier to navigate. This New Moon will give you a sense of hope as you look to those in your home for wisdom to tackle on the bigger battles that are yet to come. This is your time to shine in your inner world as you provide guidance and serve as a figure of strength to others.

Scorpio – You will experience an interesting time as there may have been some frustrations with getting your point across with these Saturn and Pluto transits. There will be changes. This New Moon opens up your mind and gives much needed mental clarity to Scorpios out there. You will not need to keep silent since you will have the lucidity to say what you want without fear. Others will experience an easier way to communicate with others. Whatever blockages were stopping you before, will now be cleared.

Sagittarius – It might have felt like a challenge to find a sense of security. There may be others who have struggled with who they are during these Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn transits. The New Moon reminds you that negative thoughts serve you no purpose. Let them go, embrace who you are and begin to strengthen your self love. The road ahead will be filled with challenges, but you have already been through a lot with Saturn in your sign. You have the tools to succeed, begin with believing in yourself.

Capricorn – With the New Moon in your sign, this is your opportunity to come to terms with the mistakes that you have made. A fresh new start is ready for you, as you rid yourself of your own toxic traits and develop a new mentality that will allow for more progress and growth in the New Year. Jupiter in your sign opens your eyes to habits and cycles that need to be broken. You will feel illuminated with this transit as you set the puzzle right for what is to come.

Aquarius – Saturn will be entering Aquarius at the end of next year. This upcoming year will be challenging for you as you experience the beginnings of what is to come. With the New Moon in Capricorn, you will benefit from the tranquility that it has to offer as you contemplate what has happened in the last year and what is to come. Let the emotions out, feel them become a part of you if you have felt the need to suppress them. This is a good time to heal and meditate. The weight on your shoulders will feel lifted…briefly.

Pisces – With this transit you will be able to reconnect with friends as well as say goodbye to those relationships that no longer are serving you. You will see people come in and out of your life with this New Moon in the sign of Capricorn. The people you do meet will provide a grounding energy to your life. If you have felt things spiraling out of control, this will be extremely beneficial for you. Those people who you look up to might provide some solid advice that will help you grow in the next year. Choose your friends wisely.

Death & Beginnings

Scorpio Season is the time of letting go, cutting chords and thinking about you. This is the season of the Phoenix Rising or the Emperor coming back to reclaim their throne. Pick your battles wisely because those who have wronged you will be exposed by the light. The New Moon in Scorpio will grace us on Sunday, October 27th, 2019 and it shall definitely set the tone for what we will be expecting during this Mercury Retrograde. Unresolved issues will return to bite us in the ass. This is your time to focus, claim your prize and be fearless. The Scorpio is patient, observant and ready to wreak destruction on what you value the most. Why? Because Scorpio values loyalty and when that has been compromised, they want you to learn your lesson. Be cool and patient these upcoming weeks. If you have been wronged, you’ll get the last laugh and if you’re causing drama and hurt, you’ll be laughed at. Prepare for the battle but make sure to win it with grace.

Aries – Scorpio Season will be your time to feel motivated to take action. With the New Moon in the, you’ll have to accept some challenges and learn to officially let go. Take the losses, accept what little you have won and consider it to be a learning experience. Like the Scorpio, the Aries rises up like the phoenix after you have faced the darkest hour and have faced the toughest demons. While everything might feel like it is collapsing around you, there will definitely be a light at the end of the tunnel, just make sure not to deviate from your plans and focus on your goals.

Taurus – Your relationships will be brought to the forefront as you debate cutting chords or remaining in the same situation. This is a time of testing as you will see who will be up to the challenge of preserving your friendships. The energy this season will be heavy and with Mercury retrograding in the sign of Scorpio, you will also be able to meet up with those people that you have kept in the past. Prepare to make some tough choices regarding your independence as well as how you are able to handle co-dependent situations. The New Moon presents you with the opportunity to come to an understanding of your situations and you will feel empowered to reach answers you have been searching for.

Gemini – This is your opportunity to step things up if you have slacked off. The new Moon in Scorpio allows for you to take charge regarding what you want. A new sense of freedom will be felt as you earn the keys to change your destiny and fight for your calling. If you are in your desired field, you will work harder and show your superiors what you are made of. To those in school and are motivated to be at the top of the class, you will be relentless in pursuing your dream, assuming that you are filled with passion and desire to get to the top. The fearlessness will be brought about by this New Moon. Embrace the energy and see the gifts that you will receive afterwards.

Cancer – Finally, this will be an enjoyable time for you in the midst of what feels to be chaotic. This does not mean you will not feel the endings associated with the New Moon. For you, the ending of pessimism and the beginning of a better and brighter way of thinking. Enjoy the moments that will be presented to you because your optimism can bring about positive things in your sphere. This is a great moment to meet up with friends, have fun with them and to experience the moment you are in this point in history. Your creative abilities will be through the roof, so take the moment in and express yourself without any remorse or fear.

Leo – Your heart will be in the place where you feel the most comfort and joy. This New Moon pushes you to be surrounded by those you love and care for, to seek guidance in these cloudy times and to find your own truths. This will be a good time to practice some introspection and even take up some meditating to cope with everything you have faced this year. Remember, 2020 is only several months away, so it is in your best interest to take care of yourself, spiritually and physically. Leos will especially benefit during the retrograde, because you will be minding your business away from the drama. Take things with ease until Sagittarius season rolls in because that is when you’ll be back in action, thriving and feeling like you are in your prime.

Virgo – Your mind will be racing this time around as you feel the pressures of Mercury Retrograde and the New Moon wreaking havoc in your house of communication. Your thoughts might be in a dark place but you can always shift that to something better. Scorpio energy will allow for you to bring an end to the thoughts that have tortured or burdened you and pave way to better ways of communicating and thinking. This is your moment to feel empowered, especially for those who felt as if they lost their voice. You are sharper now, wittier and will take more chances. Traveling opportunities might come but not pan out since the retrograde will present obstacles and delays.

Libra – Saturn continued to make havoc but Scorpio Season will bring that calm after the storm. You know where you stand in the world, feeling slightly more confident in you and what you can accomplish. This is the moment you feel “flawless,” as you still are feeling the highs from your season. Given what you have gone through this year, you need this grounding period to appreciate your strength. Being resilient and continuously being graceful even through the hardest times is something that has people in awe of you and a quality that will being about some haters. Be patient as this New Moon may allow you to feel some doubt. Stay strong, fight and be courageous.

Scorpio – Finally, it is your season, the one we have all been waiting and dreading. Mercury Retrograde will be in your sign as well as Sun and Venus. You may feel empowered by everything because this is the time for your divine justice. Whoever has wronged you will come back to humiliate themselves once Mercury kicks in full gear. You feel beautiful, inspired and ready to take on the world. However, you might still feel the melancholy and the aches that the holiday season will bring about. Keep your chin up, believe in yourself and make sure to steer away from the drama during this retrograde period because you will then repeat it for the course of the next months. Don’t bring that negative energy to 2020, release and let it go.

Sagittarius – This Jupiter transit seems to not be in your favor for many archers out there. The idea is to continue to cling onto hope, even when you feel that everything has been lost or your dreams have all been shattered. The New Moon in Scorpio allows for you to truly think on what has happened to you this last year. You have grown, prospered and yet, everything you fought for seems to have crumbled. Fear not, archers, you will always have Jupiter on your side, inspiring and bring much needed hope. The greatest lesson you have to keep in mind is that life is forever forcing your evolution and as a Sagittarius, you will learn and find ways to transform as the pressures of time release you.

Capricorn – Your friends will serve as your saving grace during these times. You may experience some tough emotional setbacks, but you will find a way to keep it moving and getting things done thanks to the support of your close friends and family. This holiday season, you will learn to appreciate those who have done so much for you and that you have neglected. With Saturn still in your sign, it may feel like these upcoming months will be the loneliest for you as everything that has been planned goes the opposite direction, thanks to Uranus rocking your world. The New Moon will provide the people in your life to guide you during the rocky path for the next several months.

Aquarius – Gifts, recognition and praise are within your reach as we watch the planets all shifting into Scorpio. Take this energy and keep hustling, even when you feel your energy is depleted, keep dreaming even when there is no one there to cheer you on. Scorpio energy allows for you to succeed in what you want and get the praise that you rightfully deserve. Appreciate the joys and splendor that Jupiter will continue to bring before it moves into Capricorn. This is your time, enjoy it and keep doing you, regardless of what the world thinks.

Pisces – Surprisingly, you are suited to handle this overpowering energy. Pisces might indulge in the next month with all that will be happening. You will be learning a lot more and will find new methods to grow from the lessons that you have been taught throughout the year. The New Moon shines a light on what you may consider to be new goals that will allow for you to reach your next transformative phase, mentally and spiritually. Those who want to serve as guides for you during the next couple of months will help you evolve and mature. As we watch Saturn and Pluto coming closer in contact, you’ll benefit a lot from your newly acquired knowledge.

New Moon in Virgo: Perfectionism

The New Moon in Virgo on August 30th will be an interesting time because it gets us all to do things we would not normally allow. After the self-love motif of Leo Season, we shift into Self Care during this Virgo Season transit. The Moon here will make us emotionally aware of the places we need to focus on bringing more happiness to our lives. This New Moon helps us keep our shit in order, it wants us to grow. We see our flaws and we use this as a motivator to become stronger, not to self hate. What we would deem as failures looks like a recipe to our big successes. This New Moon, find what you want and work to get it.

Aries – They will think of you as the fitness guru this transit because you will be living at the gym. This New Moon will haver you working harder and as more pressures build, you’ll want to find ways to relieve the stress and challenges. Hang tight, keep up the goo fight and make sure to keep the peace in all social settings.

Taurus – It can be a New Moon to remember as the connections you made a few weeks ago can emerge to help you with your goals. This is the moment to socialize, to trust your creative side and to improve your personal talents. A period of reevaluation will allow for you to sever ties and be more diligent when it comes to making future friendships.

Gemini – Geminis will want to stay put and away from the spotlight. This New Moon will make you the anchor at home. You will hold the fort down, calm the tension and have everyone sailing on smooth waters. You will plan and guide loved ones during this transit. Everyone will look to you for answers.  

Cancer – You have a lot to say and a lot to do with this transit as Mercury fuels your mind making you feel restless and out of control. Channel this energy into creating and becoming a mentor for others. This is a great time to express your ideas in a way that will enable you to attain success. Capitalize on the potential to make money or how you can help others with your advice.

Leo – We are all coming out of the Leo cloud and are brought back to the Virgo reality. This New Moon will help you learn a lot about your worth, how you share your love and planning for what is happening next in your life. Big decisions will need to be made but for now, you’re ok with planning and reflecting. Remember to think on what makes you happy and what will bring you the most success.

Virgo – We are all excited to experience this New Moon, but you might be dreading it. Do not critique yourself or bring out your flaws. Use this opportunity to grow, accept the mistakes you have made and pat yourself on the back for bring you. The New Moon empowers you and guides you to fulfil greatness. Trust and love yourself dear Virgo.

Libra – You will be in a lazy Sunday mood during this transit as you take a cue from your fellow Venusian sister, Taurus and treat yourself. Nothing wrong with taking a break, especially when life (Saturn) has been throwing some challenges at you. Revitalize yourself, so you can come back stronger than ever when your season arrived.

Scorpio – A good moment to reconnect, rejoice and share that love with others. This transit will allow for you to use your lovely friends to get your plans in motion. A perfect time to socialize and to make your dreams into a reality. Take out the planner, jot that checklist down and be prepared to achieve.  

Sagittarius – The New Moon in Virgo will have you hustling to get what you want. You have been relaxing, traveling and enjoying this Jupiter transit all year long. Now is the time you get yourself into workaholic mode, borrowing traits from your Capricorn neighbors. Expect success with your hard work.

Capricorn – A perfect time to plan something to get you out of work mode and shift into a relaxation period. You have been working hard all year, so you deserve a little break. This cycle will allow for you to escape with a good book and bring about positive thoughts or plan a getaway trip with loved ones.

Aquarius – This transit will have you focusing on ways to bring inner calm and peace to topics that have probably kept you up at night. The perfect time to learn to let things go, to trust yourself and to trust the fire and drive within yourself to tackle any problems. Be mindful of expenses and be open to healing.

Pisces – This is a waking up moment for you as the New Moon sheds a light on you and your relationship with others. This could be the perfect time for a romantic endeavor as your heart will flutter more than the usual. You will be inspired to spend more time with people, to bask in the warmth of love and hope.

New Moon in Leo: Stepping Stones

This New Moon in Leo on July 31st is what we have all needed. Where will the energy shine within you? Have you abandoned what was pulling you down? Expect the awakening, the doors will open brightly for you as this energy shows you what it is like to truly live life to the fullest with the desire to survive. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so having this New Moon will open doors for you because in our darkest hour, the Sun can help us feel a little better. We underestimate the potency of the rays of light, illuminating our lives, our heart and soul. Leo energy is essential because it gives us hope, just like Fire Signs tend to bring up the hopeless optimist inside of us. Shine bright, be strong and do not be afraid to don your crown.

Aries – The New Moon will allow for you to share with others, communicate more and take action with your goals. After a very dramatic Cancer Season, this New Moon will inspire you to have fun again and to put arguments to rest. Make sure to be receptive to the emotions of others that might need you. Listen more, be patient and work for your dreams.

Taurus – Your focus will be mostly on what goes on at home during this new Moon. You will have to be more diplomatic as people will look to you for decisions pertaining to projects. This is a calming time where you can retreat to your inner world and tap onto your creative side. Hosting intimate get togethers might bring excitement and joy to you when you’re feeling down.

Gemini – It may feel like a splendid time for you as you use this energy to calm your restless mind. Your creative juices will be off the charts, especially for those in the freelance business. Expect a must, an insight or a provocative dream to inspire you to get projects you started finished. With Venus also shifting into Leo, this can be a very relaxing period of time where you might be tempted to travel with loved ones.

Cancer – Your season was a needed lesson of harsh love, but you should have felt the maturity levels rising. Get focused, be ready and put your goals in order. Leo Season will have you wanting to look the part because you’ll be feeling like a million bucks. Sleeping beauty rises up this season to claim their spot in the world. Feel brave, be unapologetic and make sure to look amazing, but watch what you spend.

Leo – The New Moon in your sign gives you the emotional boost needed to climb out of whatever distress you may be feeling. This is your season, your time to shine brightly and to think of you. Do things that bring you pleasure and make you feel connected to others. After all, this is the type of energy that reminds you why you were born to rule and be the chosen one.

Virgo – It is the perfect time to take it easy, relax and to think back on what you have achieved this year. With the Sun and Moon in Leo, you are gearing up for your season in the next few weeks. This energy gives you the boost to go out there and connect with others as you will take on a little of the spotlight without feeling self-conscious. Nice gatherings with friends will open your heart and mind.

Libra –You might feel like its your season when the New Moon is in the sign of Leo. Expect your popularity to soar a bit, especially if you’re an avid social media user. People will be enamored with your persona and your charm will be off the charts. Utilize this period to focus on inner growth and self-acceptance, as we get ready for practical Virgo Season to get us ready to work harder than before.

Scorpio – All eyes are on you during this epic season. This is the best time to come through with the new you. People will respect you, you’ll be admired in the business field or on any public platform, so be ready to feel like a celebrity. Remember, those who say things about you are just hating. Do you, be strong and work as hard as you can because Saturn will be giving you gifts later this year.

Sagittarius – Leo Season will bring out the jet setter in you. Sagittarians will be making their social media feed amazing as they show off to the world where they have been and what they are doing. To those who want to focus on a more studious note, this season will allow for you to prepare before embarking on your trip through higher learning. You will most likely meet a female figure who will inspire you this season.

Capricorn – To those Capricorns that are in need of financial help, fear not. Leo Season makes it easy for you to get your things in order. Relax, breathe because you will find the solutions needed to these issues. Saturn in your sign has made things unbearable on all ends, but you have learned the lessons needed to thrive. Do not let minor setbacks stop you. You are in for a wonderful surprise as your dreams take flight.

Aquarius – Your sister sign will bring about a pleasant time of year for you as you sail through and feel the need to love and to be surrounded by wonderful people in your life. Appreciate those who are there by you and are dedicated to you. Leo Season reminds us to be independent, fill ourselves with love, hope and to dream big.

Pisces – Lessons learned through this period of time will enable your growth for the next couple of months. This year has been a maturity period for you, Pisces. Remember, that when the going gets tough, you have to keep going and that is what this season is all about. Feel empowered through your abilities and who you are.