Full Moon in Virgo 2023

Previously published on Collective World

The Full Moon in Virgo will grace us on March 7th, 2023. During this transit, we will look back six months ago and acknowledge our triumphs and accomplishments. With this Full Moon in Virgo, we could easily get caught up with listening to our inner critic. It is a reminder to go with the flow and feel proud about what we have achieved, regardless of how big or small. It is a transit where we learn about being patient with ourselves and our goals. Virgo energy is about learning and improving through patience, so creating new goals and plans—or reworking our current ones—can help us slowly get to where we desire. See how this transit will impact your Rising, Sun, and Moon signs.


With this transit, prepare your checklist. You see what you have accomplished, what can be worked on, and how you can continue going at your own pace. There is a lot of motivation that has been sparked with Mars in Gemini. Jupiter in your sign adds more drive and focus. The Moon wants you to tap into that mercurial energy. With Jupiter’s expansiveness, you are going to feel hopeful about your outcomes.


A Full Moon transit that will have you reminiscing about your goals and dreams. You are setting your sights on solidifying your foundation. There is concentration and determination on your part. Virgo energy allows you to feel more confident about yourself. The Full Moon is a great time to feel healing energy because you will be more caring and loving to yourself.


During this transit, you might opt for the nicer comforts of home because recharging and protecting your energy might be your priority during this transit. As Mars still conquers through your sign, you could feel very passionate and driven to succeed. However, the Full Moon slows things down for you, allowing you to embrace the calm, feel reassured, and be happy at home.


Revitalizing and empowering are words associated with this transit. You are motivated as you heal, since Saturn in Aquarius has taught you how to conquer anything holding you back. With this transit, you are ready to release, heal within, and begin a new chapter since Saturn will also aspect your sign. You have support from others because they see your power and strength.


Experiencing this Full Moon transit will boost your motivation and spark tons of inspiration. You worked hard during the last several years during Saturn in Aquarius’ transit, so it isn’t a surprise you receive praise. This is a reminder to be your cheerleader and accept the compliments. Feel good about yourself during this time. You deserve recognition and success.


Having the Full Moon in your sign is all about channeling that energy internally. You will be reflective now as you consider all that you have done in the last six months. However, try not to critique yourself; instead, shower yourself with words of affirmation. Do what you love now and allow yourself to feel joy. Don’t restrict yourself. Connect with friends.


You are not afraid to look ahead with this Full Moon transit. For the last six months, you have worked on planning and being diligent with your goals. Saturn in Aquarius allowed you to prepare and create your vision. With this Full Moon, you can take action and make things happen. The pace might be slower, but you are here for good and productive results.


With this Full Moon transit, you have the motivation to tap into your source of inner strength. It is a time when you inspire and help others see their potential. Your words have power, and showing kindness to yourself and others could help you gain more confidence. Colleagues will praise your courageousness and tenacity.


There is a need during this transit to become more comfortable in the limelight. The Full Moon in Virgo could be a time when more responsibilities are directed your way. Taking things slow and not pressuring yourself will give you room to establish balance. Take pride in the work you have done in the last six months. Home can become a place where you can recharge and evaluate your next steps.


This Full Moon transit has you channeling your adventurous side. You desire to bring some new changes into your life. There could be a need to experience more expansion through love and joy. Virgo energy has you feeling much more optimistic about your goals and journey to the top. There is also a focus on creating the perfect plans to get you there.


The Full Moon allows you to close some cycles and not repeat those ongoing mistakes. You feel a little freer now that Saturn has moved into Pisces, so you could be focused on bringing some fun into your world with this transit. Connecting with others comes naturally, and they appreciate how lively and entertaining you can be. You are in love with adventure and aren’t limiting yourself.

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