Saturn Direct: Onward

Saturn stations direct on September 29th, 2020 and we can all breathe a little better knowing that one of the astro planetary giants is finally moving on. We have been on a ride with Saturn in Capricorn since 2017, learning a lot about ourselves and our relationship with authority. We continue to experience the impact of government with these Saturn and Pluto transits. Where we are now is not the same place, we were several years ago. This has been a transit of maturity of growth and pain. Many people saw the world with new eyes, our rose-colored glasses were shattered. The horrors were outlined for us, but we have also learned to see some hope in the darkest of hours. Saturn in Capricorn has exposed the changes that need to be made on a societal and political level. This has been a powerhouse transit, moving and reshaping us from the core and reflecting in our environment. The collective has felt Saturn in Capricorn, but we know that together, we can all hope for greater change in the future after learning the lessons and facing the consequences from this transit. Here’s to growth for the years to come and hope for a better tomorrow.

Aries – Saturn has placed you in a position where you can either sink or fly. If you have worked and powered through the last couple of years, with the fire and drive of not giving up, congratulations! Saturn direct means you can continue to go forward without feeling blockages when it comes to your career. However, with your ruler currently retrograde it is still not smooth sailing. Consider this a time to get your plans going and feel the momentum building until dreams start to take off in November.

Taurus – This transit will have you sticking to your convictions without second guessing yourself. Saturn direct powers you through the next phase which will have you more focused on status and achievements. You are very much in a contemplative state, analyzing your past achievements and failures but the good thing is you are learning from them. Get ready to feel more empowered as we approach the end of the year.

Gemini – You have been going through one of the harshest transits for the last 2.5 years but now you are slowly feeling the weight being lifted from your shoulders. That sense of optimism will begin to peak through with Saturn finally going direct and exiting Capricorn at the end of the year. Use what you have learned during this transit that has shaped who you are and where you will be headed. You are not the same person from 2017, instead you have grown and matured. The road has been tough, but you will see how the journey was worth it.

Cancer – Saturn direct means you will finally be able to see the truth behind your relationships. No longer will you feel like you are mirroring partners because now you have grown to learn more about yourself and what you seek in someone else. This Saturn transit has been rough but empowering. There is more motivation to get the achievement you desire and the recognition from your peers. You are learning to embrace the limelight and to allow yourself to shine. No more hiding your glow since you have so much more to offer to the world.

Leo – You have given it your all during this Saturn transit since 2017. There have been a lot of obstacles for you to overcome but Saturn has taught you a lot about being diligent and patient. You have learned that even if you give it your all, you are still going to face challenges and the outcome will not be what you originally planned. You’ve excelled at coordinating, fought and learned to understand your limits while refusing to back down or give up. During the next several months you are rekindling with your fire energy thanks to the trine your sign is making to Mars. You can see the finish line and are awaiting your victory.

Virgo – The state of your romantic life is probably not the same as it was 2.5 years ago. Saturn might have brought about a person who turned your world upside down but the experience, although tough, was a learning lesson for you. For those who are single, this transit made a change in your social circles. During the retrograde it was possible you reminisced and learned about the changes you need to make for romances. Your dynamics with others will also change moving forward. Saturn direct will have you focused on rebuilding and restructuring how you view yourself and your ideology.

Libra – One of the tougher transits for you and it would make sense why you will not miss seeing Saturn in Capricorn. The retrograde period brought you back to your roots and the emotional experiences you might have felt with partners. This Mars retrograde might also have brought back some painful memories that you need to learn to cope with to move forward. Mars and Saturn are making you move from the tough waves that life brings you and the unexpected changes. Your identity has changed because you might feel more empowered and mature given the position you have been put in. It is possible you were thrown into a leadership role at work, school or even made some tough decisions at home. Saturn showed you what you were capable of and how independent you can be.

Scorpio – A rough transit to have because it can open some emotional wounds you might have at home or with friendships. Saturn retrograde taught you that to interact with people, you need to listen and be patient. Being explosive during this transit over the last several years has led you nowhere. To avoid drama and fights, you needed to truly listen and change some mannerisms. You have developed a sense of courage, especially in the workplace or school. With this planet finally going direct, you know your strengths, how good you can articulate your thoughts and how to manage situations with different groups of people.

Sagittarius – This Saturn transit has felt like a redo of Saturn in your sign. You continued to face similar challenges with identity and truly learning the meaning of independence. Saturn in Capricorn taught you to be more open to accepting and forgiving yourself and this is what you are working on now that the planet is direct. The boost from Mars will allow you to burn through the emotions as you continue to reshape your thoughts and philosophy during this process. Get ready for some excitement as you can feel the cashflow begin to change and the optimism growing since Jupiter, your ruler, is also direct.

CapricornWho am I? Is the question you probably repeated to yourself several times during this transit. Saturn retrograde had you pouring through different situations as you tried to maintain stability in your life while the chaos ensued. You are the fighter, with Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn currently in your sign. The pressures and responsibilities piled but you managed to keep your cool (sort of). Now with Saturn and Jupiter doing direct, you can once again plan and see the road ahead with clearer eyes and a smile. You will feel renewed as Saturn stays for the next few months before finally exiting your sign.

Aquarius – With Saturn direct here, you feel some of your pressures melting off as you come to peace with your subconscious. The issues now with Saturn will involve your own maturity but that all begins to manifest when Saturn enters the sign of Aquarius. This is a period where you will be mentally stimulated, driven to connect with others and will discover your own inner voice. Many will be open to listening to what you have to say. Your experiences can serve as a healing experience as well. Saturn has taught you how to heal, to grow and to motivate others. You will wake up from the cloudiness Saturn presented and will take on the world inspired.

Pisces – The pressure is off and now you can once again feel like others have your back. Saturn direct will have you remembering the pain or excitement you felt during this transit. There might have been close friendships that have ended but you made new ones. This path has not been an easy one for you and Saturn in Aquarius will present some of the similar themes from this transit. You are learning to become more independent and self-reliant. However, you will also learn to seek help from others if you are in need because certain situations can be hard for us and we will need the support system from others.  

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn enters the sign of Aquarius on March 21st. This can bring a lot of gloom and doom to some people, but this is generally an exciting period of time as we see the end of one chapter with Saturn in Capricorn and get ready for the innovation that this Aquarius transit offers to bring us all. The month of March has been riddled with a lot of challenges, but this is something that we have come to expect, especially with the Saturn and Pluto conjunction from earlier this year still leaving some of the residue after the transit alleviated. With Saturn entering Aquarius, we can expect a drastic change with energy since there won’t be as many planets in the sign of Capricorn, slowing down the potency of its power. In Aquarius we can expect changes in philosophies from many people, a higher dedication from those in power and a need for us all to connect. The last time Saturn was in Aquarius, we saw the birth, expansion and the impact that the internet has had on us all. Technology is such a major aspect of our lives that because of recent events, we have seen how corporations have been forced to embrace sending employees to work from home, entrepreneurs are being pushed to incorporate technology into their small businesses more and educational systems have also been pushed into distance schooling. A major shift at the 29th Degree of Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, showing a mirror of what is to come for the next three months, and then Saturn will go back from Aquarius into Capricorn. By 2021, we will have a clearer picture of what we will be expecting and how the innovations of Saturn in Aquarius will shift the entire collective for the next 30 years when it returns to this sign.

Aries – The last few years you have been focused on establishing your place in the world; concentrating on top goals and trying to spark the energy within to tackle any challenges. Saturn in Capricorn was a test, not only for your sign, but for all Cardinals. You may have learned a lot about yourself, how you present yourself to the world and what the world views you as. If you had trouble managing your temper, this transit was going to teach you how to be more in control and diplomatic. To second guess showing your rage and to carry yourself more maturely were more focal points. Capricorn is a sign of self-control, putting the reigns on your impulsive sign. With the shift into Aquarius, your focus will be on putting into practice what was learned during Saturn in Capricorn. These tools can help you achieve greatness if you practice patience. Most likely, you will be accustomed to taking on roles that demand for you to be in positions of power with grace. Interpersonal relationships now take on a greater meaning to help you climb higher and reach for more. Continue to dream and believing in yourself but know that depending on how well your connections are with the collective will determine how much further you can advance.

Taurus – While Saturn in Capricorn focused on how you broadened your stances as well as promoted the exploration of philosophies, you are now going to be given a taste of what you will deal with for the next three years beginning 2021. This brief transit will be eye opening for you, especially as it will shift your attention to the future. Saturn in Aquarius will be applying some pressures on your sign, to become more comfortable in the spotlight, to get ready to take action and to set a good foundation for what you want to achieve in the future. This transit is a rebuilding for your character, and it will show you sides of yourself you did not know of until now. Don’t panic, embrace this. It will be a very tough road ahead, but this will be a very satisfying transit and one that you will look back on in the future. For now, when everything feels overwhelming, make sure to take that step back and analyze what plans need to be made and restructured in order to keep on going. Success is within your reach, so get ready for the impossible.

Gemini – You experienced intensity during Saturn in Capricorn which pushed you to the limits, making it almost too much to bear. But now things will be changing for more pleasant waters as you dip your toes into Saturn in Aquarius. You will be more thankful for this change because it takes off some of the pressures you had faced in the last thee years. It will be a surprise to have this upcoming shift in sign, because things will be more aligned with what your sign represents. This Saturn in Aquarius transit will be more on the spiritual level as you embrace new methods of thinking and will dive into learning more about the collective. As Saturn moves into an air sign, you will be more willing to embrace what it has to offer and learn from it. Your view of the world will change, as Saturn continues to rise up towards the highest point in your chart. Get ready for a new experience, that will teach you more about yourself

Cancer – Saturn in Capricorn taught you about sacrifices and understanding the meaning of relationships. This transit was a learning experience as you dealt with coping with your selfishness and ability to compromise with partnerships. This does not only affect your romantic partnerships, but your friendships as well. The ugly sides might have crept through as you noticed some disheartening sides to you, but you learned. In Capricorn, you focused on the dynamic you had with others. When Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius later this month, you will see the impact that the lessons in Capricorn have taught you. It will be a moment of self-discovery, of shedding old ways and learning to handle the psychological aspects of yourself that you might have been repressing. Saturn in Aquarius will force you to break some chains, make things uncomfortable as you dive deeper in your mind to seek answers. It is a radical period for you, but you will learn to navigate through it. A shift in mentality will be focused on your stability, how you see yourself and your place in the world.

Leo – This transit will be an eye opener for you since you will now be on some unexpected terrain. With Saturn in Capricorn, you learned what it meant to work hard in order to move forward. For the last three years, you were put to the test and experienced some highs and lows because you may have felt as if your efforts were in vain. But you are close to the finish line. Saturn in Capricorn taught you endurance and to practice (a lot of) patience. It was a way to explore parts of yourself that you did not want to confront. In Capricorn, the struggle might have felt endless and each test was harder than the last. Now, with Saturn entering Aquarius, you will feel some of that weight lifted (for three months) before it retrogrades back in Capricorn. With this new shift in sign, you will understand your dynamic with others and the value in relationships and partnerships. It can be a period of reflection and more frustration as you decide who to keep in your personal space and who to isolate. Here you will flirt back and forth with the idea of asserting your independence but at the same time practice a form of codependency. Nevertheless, you will find your footing and push on forward to understanding yet another piece of you.

Virgo – You have been feeling the pressure of this upcoming transit just looming. For years, it might have felt as if every moment of potential happiness just withered and faded. But you Saturn in Capricorn has taught you that the show must go on, even when life moves too fast for you to keep up. You have embraced practicing being in hermit mode, opting to stay away from the drama and learn more about yourself and keeping close to your loved ones. You may have even ended a few close connections and relationships in order to “find yourself” but now you will be accustomed to the energy that Saturn in Aquarius will bring to your life starting this upcoming week for its three month stint and then later this year before we look toward 2021. Virgos will be able to handle this energy (surprisingly) because Saturn in Aquarius will ask “what can you do for me today?” As the sign that enjoys tasks and service, you will be more than willing to take on the challenges that will be presented in your day to day life. This is comfortable energy for you, especially since it will reshape how you approach your daily routines and it might even prompt you to begin (or make more of an effort) to take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Libra – Saturn in Capricorn may have brought some nightmare moments to a few of you as you struggled with establishing some foundations to expand your roots while dealing with the pressures of the world. This transit might have shaken you to your core, but it forced you to evolve, to become stronger and to cope with the changes that were to come. During this three-year transit, you learned how to steer through waters that you were not familiar with. While Saturn in Capricorn will be gifting you a coat of armor, you will be using this to further expand during the Saturn in Aquarius transit. Since Saturn will be in a fellow air sign, you might be more receptive to the transition. It may or may not feel seamless at first, as we pull further and further away from the Earth sign’s domain and acclimate to the air sign’s energy. Here you will learn about what matters to you and what you should not be taking for granted. It might also feel as if you are going through a slump, but this is just the grounding needed in order to prepare for what comes next. Your coat of armor will be strengthened, and you will endure when this transit officially begins in 2021.

Scorpio – While you faced challenges in the last two years under Saturn in Capricorn with communication. You have made peace with some old issues with siblings or distant relatives thanks to this Jupiter transit which may have alleviated any tensions. Now with Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius, you will deal with your roots and foundation. Saturn in Aquarius might feel like the rug is being pulled from under you, as you find a way to regain your footing. The transit begins this week, for three months and then it will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn. You will see what aspects of your life need to be stabilized and it might even all begin with home. Aquarius promises to make you rethink how you view your comfort zones and what changes you can make or that Saturn will decide to make for you. A lot of patience will be needed with this transit, as it will be a learning period for you. After this transit, you will look back and think on how the old you has transformed into a formidable leader.

Sagittarius – You might feel like the veteran now with these Saturn transits since Saturn in Sagittarius was a bit of a doozy not only for you, but for the collective. We experienced a new era in politics and how it related to humanity through Saturn’s transit in your sign. In Capricorn, you felt the relief, but the pressures of stabilizing the material and how it related to you. Now, with Saturn in Aquarius, you will go back to the philosophical moments that your sign brought. It will be a comfortable transit, riddled with its own challenges but you will be mentally stimulated by what it has to offer. Your perception of the world and how it will impact you comes to play. You will also become more aware of the impact that your words might have as well as the strength of your connections with others. You might even want to partake in making changes for the collective or become a disruptive force with your pen. Take heed and be wise now. Saturn will teach you the patience needed when it comes to expression, which can cause conflict and frustrations with others. Remember to take things one day at a time, to keep going strong and to think before you speak.

Capricorn – An awakening with the shift from Saturn in Capricorn to Aquarius. The mountain of responsibilities and challenges begins to slowly dissipate as you await the verdict on everything that you have dealt with so far. The next three months will be a bit of a Spring Break for you as you sort and put yourself back together. The puzzle pieces that have been left at your disposal will now scream out for you to put them back in place. You have learned a lot; you have dealt with the trials and have found the key to everything. Your period of reflection begins now, as you shed the skin of the past and look forward to a new chapter in your life. Saturn in Aquarius will make you focus on solidifying your foundations, on reclaiming your power and bringing order to what you foresee in the future. It all begins now with the struggles you will face with finances and how you relate to the material. Put your game face on, especially during the Saturn and Mars conjunction in Aquarius happening later this month.

Aquarius – Saturn is finally in your sign, bringing a moment of transformation that will begin for the next three months. Saturn officially enters Aquarius December 2020, so use this period as a learning guide for what you will be expecting early next year. The last couple of years might have felt like a dream state where you were waiting for something to finally wake you up. You have felt the calm before the storm for years now, struggling with any internal battles, waiting for the resolution to your problems as you seek others for guidance in understanding what was happening and where you were going. As an Aquarius, you were probably more concerned with your place in the world and the connection, the dwindling connections between you and the outside world probably created pressures. Saturn in your sign will break down aspects of yourself and rebuild them into stronger versions. This transit will be tough, because it is happening in your sign but the rewards after it will be worth it. It is a period of hard work, reflection and changes. Life lessons learned during this period will help you grow more in the future. Now is the beginning of your moment of empowerment because after this transit is officially over (three years from now) you will be more powerful and shine brighter than before.

Pisces – Pisces placements can pretty much handle most transits that deal with the subconscious and Saturn in Aquarius will be something you might be able to understand. Saturn in Aquarius brings you back to your moments you felt most vulnerable and makes you evaluate your sentiments regarding them. This shift will be an eye-opening experience, but for the brief period Saturn is in Aquarius you will learn what to expect beginning in December 17th, 2020. All the lessons that have been learned throughout the years will be pivotal for this transit. It will make you more in tune with who you are and will awaken some of those moments that you have felt weak and powerless. Nevertheless, you are used to finding your inner strength and emerging more powerful from the darker times. While Saturn in Capricorn taught you how to cooperate with the collective, to come together as a team, this brief transit will show you what it can feel like to be alone but to find your greatest ally in the darkness, which is you.

Platonic Synastry (Venus Signs)

Platonic Synastry (Venus Signs)

Platonic Synastry series because I rarely see this on the internet. I will focus on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Venus. I may or may not add Saturn, but I’ll try. The series will kick off with the Sun and how it impacts the major personal planets. Outer planets won’t be involved since these are generational and that’s a different topic to touch at another time. This is not the same as romantic synastry, there are many articles and videos on romantic synastry online. The post focuses on friendships only and for this one, it starts off with the impact of personal planets on our Sun in a friend connection. Of course, these are for conjunctions, trines and sextiles, the easy flowing aspects.

Venus / Sun — Venus will represent and embody everything the Sun wishes that they resembled. Even if Venus is not conventionally beautiful, the Sun will be admiring them and everything that Venus does will captivate the Sun. This is a relationship where both will appreciate the aesthetics of the other and if other placements allow, this will be a comfortable placement for both to have since it brings peace and harmony between both parties. Overall, it is synonymous to a group of friends with the similar aesthetic. A Libra and Virgo dominant group with Sun and Venus connections would have flawless makeup and style. An Aquarian group would most likely have a more intellectual connection, either a science fiction and technology squad or D&D. (These are examples so don’t assume only Libras like makeup and Aquarians like nerdy things).

Venus / Moon — Moon and Venus in a friendship admire one another, respect each other and whatever tensions or fights may erupt will be smoothed over with grace (if all other aspects allow). Moon sees Venus as aesthetically pleasing and Venus sees the Moon as someone they can learn from in terms of style. Here we have the friends who share things emotionally and may even have a spiritual bond. To others this can be a superficial friendship, but in their own world they will see that there are several complicated layers between these two people. Venus helps the Moon to handle their frustrations and brings them some much needed optimism to the Moon’s life. The Moon brings Venus down to Earth and helps her to redefine her views and really look within her heart to find herself.

Venus / Mercury — Similar to Mars, Venus inspires passion but it is on a subtler and more poetic note. I view this as an aspect that enables Mercury to write love stories and they will involve themselves in many romantically inspired projects. On another note, this is also seen within friends that are very inspired by the beauty industry or fashion. Here we see how Venus can impact and even change the mental and creative style of Mercury.  If Mercury was once gloomy, Venus can manifest joy and happiness into their lives, inspiring Mercury to write about this. This is a touching aspect to have amongst friends since it can make both parties feel peaceful.

Venus / Mars – Both parties will be fascinated with one another as Mars learns from Venus and vice versa. Mars will learn the meaning of what is beautiful and will put their own spin on things through their creativity and fashion sense. This is an inspirational aspect between friends that allows for understanding, growth and occasionally, there can be misunderstandings as Mars and Venus both learn to adapt to one another. Venus admires Mars’ strength and Mars admires Venus’ diplomacy and grace.

Venus / Venus – When two people share the same Venus signs it is easier to respect the other person and to admire their aesthetic. Venus brings harmony and having them in the same sign or element makes the friendship much easier to form. Signs that understand one another are able to make both people share more and have an easier method of relating to one another. These signs can easily avoid conflict since they would try the best to preserve harmony. A connection between friends with similar Venus signs can be a source of inspiration. Both parties will be motivated to be more creative as well as feel confident enough to share their creations with the world. This is a platonic synastry aspect that allows for growth in the long run and can create a friendly rivalry built on respect for one another.

Venus / Saturn – Saturn and Venus are connected through respect. The harmonious aspects allow for this to be a friendship that withstands the test of time. Both parties will learn a lot from each other with this platonic connection. The dynamic for Saturn and Venus is that of two professors. Where Saturn brings the rigidity to the connection, Venus reminds Saturn that life should be experiences and enjoyed. There can be instances where Saturn could be the friend that reminds you that there is a moment to come back to reality, but Venus will fight to bring magic and optimism to the harshness. Saturn attempts to remove any superficial ideologies from Venus. However, Venus remains insistent on teaching Saturn that the world needs to be appreciated and live needs to be enjoyed.

Platonic Synastry (Mars Signs)

Platonic Synastry series because I rarely see this on the internet. I will focus on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus. I may or may not add Saturn but I’ll try. The series will kick off with the Sun and how it impacts the major personal planets. Outer planets won’t be involved since these are generational and that’s a different topic to touch at another time. This is not the same as romantic synastry, there are many articles and videos on romantic synastry online. The post focuses on friendships only and for this one, it starts off with the impact of personal planets on our Sun in a friend connection. Of course, these are for conjunctions, trines and sextiles, the easy flowing aspects.

Mars / Sun — Sun sees Mars as the competition. In school or work, Sun might either secretly despise and respect Mars. They can reach some levels of compromise but the Mars will rarely sense the envy behind the Sun. This is a position that creates a long lasting competitive relationship. Mars will shine and even when the Sun might reach the summit, they will see Mars as a threat. Especially prominent in Fire and Earth, especially Capricorn. With fire signs, expect them to play lots of sports, express love through hitting each other and yelling at each other as a sign of affection.

Mars / Moon — Mars inspires the moon to take action, to fight for their goals and dreams and to achieve. This can be an influential friend in your life who you, the Moon, want to aspire to someday. The Mars person’s drive can be entrancing and can even make you see them as a celebrity. This would definitely be less intense than Sun and Mars, because the Sun is also a fiery element and they tend to challenge one another. The Moon in this position tends to encourage their friend Mars. Moon behaves like a cheerleader, constantly sending words of care to Mars. This is a very supportive dynamic to have in a relationship without egos being wounded.

Mars / Mercury — Mars fuels Mercury’s mental drive. These two can either be competitors or the best of friends or both. With the smoother aspects, this can make both parties want to succeed more. Their conversations will be fueled with goals, dreams and inspirational stories to get both parties rolling. This aspect creates a great business partnership since both parties are hyper focused on winning. Intellectual discussions can cross towards the gritty as well as the political. All conversational topics are encouraged by both parties.

Mars / Mars – Complimenting Mars signs add a nice friendly competitive nature to this friendship. They can be friendly rivals and at times, they can motivate and inspire one another to reach their goals and successes. With this aspect in friendships, you can see one person boost the confidence of the other through their actions alone. Seeing your friends accomplish and succeed will inspire you to work harder. It is rare that there will be envy between these two, as they sincerely want to the best for their friend.

Mars / Venus – Both parties will be fascinated with one another as Mars learns from Venus and vice versa. Mars will learn the meaning of what is beautiful and will put their own spin on things through their creativity and fashion sense. This is an inspirational aspect  between friends that allows for understanding, growth and occasionally, there can be misunderstandings as Mars and Venus both learn to adapt to one another. Venus admires Mars’ strength and Mars admires Venus’ diplomacy and grace.

Mars / Saturn – Saturn makes Mars think twice before acting out. Mars can respect Saturn or find them to be a bore (as is the case with most Saturn aspects). Here we have a friendship where Saturn can teach Mars to think before they act and to analyze a situation before going in without thinking. Impulsiveness is kept at a minimal when these two are together, as Mars begins to look up to Saturn and even take some social cues. This is a good aspect between friends as it will minimalize any fighting between the two. Saturn will be a mentor and teach Mars how to become more disciplined in the future.

Platonic Synastry (Mercury Signs)

Platonic Synastry series because I rarely see this on the internet. I will focus on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus. I may or may not add Saturn but I’ll try. The series will kick off with the Sun and how it impacts the major personal planets. Outer planets won’t be involved since these are generational and that’s a different topic to touch at another time. This is not the same as romantic synastry, there are many articles and videos on romantic synastry online. The post focuses on friendships only and for this one, it starts off with the impact of personal planets on our Sun in a friend connection. Of course, these are for conjunctions, trines and sextiles, the easy flowing aspects.

Mercury / Sun — Conversations between these two are interesting and Mercury brings out the intellectual side of the Sun. This is great for a creative work relationship or a close friendship in a business involved with publishing, art or entertainment. Sun can see Mercury as someone that they can confide in, if they are in Earth or Water elements. The dynamic with Fire and Air can lean towards gossip. These friendships can also be seen over social media, some may spark through there also especially if the Sun is in an Air Sign or Virgo. These are interesting connections and as discussed earlier, if in Air, the friendship will thrive whenever they find information, especially gossip about others. Keeping secrets will be another story.

Mercury / Moon — Conversations between these two are intimate and emotionally connecting for both parties. The Moon feels comfortable with Mercury and Mercury may even take on the role of mentor or advisor for the Moon. Here we have friends who will prefer to have important conversations away from the world. They will also be stimulated enough to keep one another’s secrets. There is trust with this connection and an intellectual link that will expound with social connections and even thrive more on the internet. These are friends who will look out for one another as well as post on one another’s social media pages, constantly tagging one another in their stories.

Mercury / Mercury — Cannot stop talking to one another. These two connect seamlessly as both Mercury signs feels comfortable around one another and can express and bounce ideas with great ease. There could be a conflict of egos as one wants to be intellectually superior to the other. Mental energy always vibrates between the two and if there are Moon aspects, they are able to vibe and feel their connection is on a soul level. A friendship with this connection can last a long time but with moments of radio silence. However, they will surely reconnect when they both hear something developing or an event happening and will reach out to each other to get opinions about what has transpired.

Mercury / Mars — This can be a hate and love friendship. Mercury can either aggravate Mars with their words, making Mars appear like a ticking time bomb. This is a friendship that will need time to mature and refine so that egos are not hurt and Mars can learn to take things less seriously when Mercury speaks or opines. On the flip side, this is a friendship that inspires a lot of learning, especially with the trine and sextile as the conjunction might cause wounded egos in the long run and fights. With the trine and sextile, we can see them both conjuring epic ideas, a great partnership, especially for the creative people to have. These two can even write or create art together that can be inspirational to others as Mars can fuel Mercury’s mind or Mercury can act like a muse for Mars.

Mercury / Venus — Another inspirational friendship for creative folks. Venus becomes Mercury’s muse and can even transform Mercury’s artistic style. This can make Mercury pen beautiful romantic works, even if Mercury prefer to write some horror epics. Or if Mercury has an aggressive attitude, trust that Venus will soothe and ease that out with their persona. This is a nice touch to a friendship and will create a very interesting dynamic. I have this with a friend, she is Mercury and I am Venus and we constantly come up with ideas when we put our minds together.

Mercury / Saturn — Saturn might stifle Mercury’s creative side. Conversations may take on a more serious tone as Mercury would prefer not to offend Saturn, so they tend to walk on glass but with their words. This can also manifest into Mercury taking on a more serious tone if they do work together professionally. Saturn can change Mercury’s artistry by teaching them to be less reckless with their writing. If they are not the creative types, this friendship can definitely teach Mercury to think before they speak whenever Saturn is around. However, Saturn can also see Mercury as a mental handful and might want to discourage them from behaving as such. Both friends will learn a lot from each other as long as they learn to respect the message the other tries to bring to the table.

Full Moon in Libra April 19th

The Full Moon in Libra is the energy we need for this season. Personally, I prefer having more Cardinal energy than mutable and with Saturn causing some chaos with Pluto in Capricorn, I feel I can take on the challenges with the Sun in Aries (for a few more days) and the Moon entering Libra. These sister signs will give you the energy and drive needed to get things done but with much tact. Know who you are, establish your boundaries and learn to take on those challenges fearlessly. You will feel regal, in command and ready to swoon the world with your diplomacy, like a Libra.

Aries: This Full Moon allows for you to take things down a notch. Traveling options will continue for you. The hyper energy will subside as you consider how your actions may be impacting your personal relationships. Quit being selfish and start thinking of others. This means apologizing when you need to and not taking those who put up with you for granted.

Taurus: You will benefit from this Full Moon because you will be taking charge and getting shit done. Relax, do not let your doubts take over your head. Plan everything and do not stop even when you feel like the world has turned against you. With patience and the help of others you can easily succeed.

Gemini: With the Libra Moon giving you some mental energy that feels stimulating, you will learn to appreciate your creative side. Learn to have fun with your craft, connect with others to inspire you and make it your goal to continue being appreciative of where you are now. Libra energy brings a calm that is needed for nervous energy.

Cancer: When the Full Moon lights up your home, you will feel compelled to make changes or have desires to move away. Here it is advised to get your aesthetic desires in order as well as smoothing the emotional turnoil that you may be experiencing between family members. Promote the peace, mentally and spiritually at home.

Leo: Expect to do some quick traveling or to just feel more academic this time around. You may feel the need to go far away with the push of friends and colleagues. Your inspiration could easily stem from a social cause and you will feel that furthering your education will assist you in getting to that goal. Trust yourself and keep at it.

Virgo: Work will be a major priority during this period and the energy of this Full Moon will enlighten you to either change careers or work harder to climb the social ladders at your current job. Expect a boost of income and an appreciation of the Luxe life, since Libra is all about that. Take it easy and enjoy the energy.

Libra: With the Moon in your sign, you feel rejuvenated and a bit like an Aries this time around. You’re not afraid to speak your mind and you feel more adventurous. Plan that trip you’ve wanted to take for some time because things are looking favorable for you now. This is your time to be more selfish and to think about your needs.

Scorpio: You might feel more psychic this time around but your stresses or successes at work will be magnified this Full Moon. Take a break if you need it because you will need it. Financialy, you might get some insights to get more money. Overall, this is good energy for you because it will calm the storms in your mind.

Sagittarius: This Full Moon you will want to party and connect with others. You are easily making friends and connecting with Aries types, you feel a boost in energy and confidence that you have not felt in years. Jupiter is shining on you, this speaks to a great time for these natives.

Capricorn: Work becomes more important to you as you reflect on your next steps as well as where the hell you want to be in your career. You play hard and are not afraid to give it your all. The only draw back will be to smoothe some of the tensions in your home sector. Learn to bring balance into your life as the Sun and Moon are in critical points.

Aquarius: What makes you fascinating to people (aside from your clothing choices) is the way that your mind works. The energy of the Full Moon will give you the oomph. Put your talents to good use, trust your intuition and take the leap needed in your education (go for that Masters), professional (aim for the promotion) or creative (finish writing that book), wield your power now.

Pisces: You might appreciate the Full Moon in Libra since it will bring a peacful energy to you spiritually like Scorpios. This can mean a resolution to problems that have been bothering you. With the polarizing energy of the Sun and Moon, you will feel the culmination of issues relating to the financial and material. The weight will lift from your shoulders as you get ready for the next chapter in your life.

Platonic Synastry (Moon)

Platonic Synastry

Platonic Synastry series because I rarely see this on the internet. I will focus on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus. I may or may not add Saturn but I’ll try. The series will kick off with the Sun and how it impacts the major personal planets. Outer planets won’t be involved since these are generational and that’s a different topic to touch at another time. This is not the same as romantic synastry, there are many articles and videos on romantic synastry online. The post focuses on friendships only and for this one, it starts off with the impact of personal planets on our Sun in a friend connection. Of course, these are for conjunctions, trines and sextiles, the easy flowing aspects.

Moon / Sun — The Sun may initiate a friendship with the Moon, as these two might find one another irresistible in a platonic sense. Sun wants to bring the Moon into their social circles, they want to share and might even see them as a sibling. This is one of those friendships that can start early on and last a really long time. There is a great understanding between these people that will be a mystery to others. Fights are rare amongst them and even if they have some disagreements they can easily forgive one another. A connection that can be stronger than blood. These friends will love the artistic side of things. Expect them at the art events, concerts or just hanging out a lot. There is a strong bond formed here with trust and respect. Friendships for a lifetime.

Moon / Moon – A dynamic connection between two souls that share the same moon sign or have them in the same element. Both are able to understand one another seamlessly. Their connection can feel spiritual, as if the friend is part of their family and they are someone that they can relate or discuss things with. I notice that these are stronger with Virgo Moons meeting one another. They cling to each other with ease and they can even become co-dependent. But the connection can also be intrinsically more powerful with Earth and Water signs in my opinion. Water signs represent emotions and the Moon represents this as she is ruled by Cancer, a water sign. Air Moon Signs have a great dynamic with Fire Moon signs, because of the excitement in the elemental differences. Overall, this placement makes the friendship feel like home, because of the deep understanding between one another.

Moon / Mercury — Conversations between these two are intimate and emotionally connecting for both parties. The Moon feels comfortable with Mercury and Mercury may even take on the role of mentor or advisor for the Moon. Here we have friends who will prefer to have important conversations away from the world. They will also be stimulated enough to keep one another’s secrets. There is trust with this connection and an intellectual link that will expound with social connections and even thrive more on the internet. These are friends who will look out for one another as well as post on one another’s social media pages, constantly tagging one another in their stories.

Moon / Mars — Mars inspires the moon to take action, to fight for their goals and dreams and to achieve. This can be an influential friend in your life who you, the Moon, want to aspire to someday. The Mars person’s drive can be entrancing and can even make you see them as a celebrity. This would definitely be less intense than Sun and Mars, because the Sun is also a fiery element and they tend to challenge one another. The Moon in this position tends to encourage their friend Mars. Moon behaves like a cheerleader, constantly sending words of care to Mars. This is a very supportive dynamic to have in a relationship without egos being wounded.

Moon / Venus — Moon and Venus in a friendship admire one another, respect each other and whatever tensions or fights may erupt will be smoothed over with grace (if all other aspects allow). Moon sees Venus as aesthetically pleasing and Venus sees the Moon as someone they can learn from in terms of style. Here we have the friends who share things emotionally and may even have a spiritual bond. To others this can be a superficial friendship, but in their own world they will see that there are several complicated layers between these two people. Venus helps the Moon to handle their frustrations and brings them some much needed optimism to the Moon’s life. The Moon brings Venus down to Earth and helps her to redefine her views and really look within her heart to find herself.

Moon / Saturn — Saturn will teach the Moon how to be more controlled emotionally. This is a friendship that will have a lasting effect because it will help the Moon to mature and evolve when it comes to how they express themselves. Both parties might be turned off by one another at first, as the Moon will surely see Saturn as a party pooper and Saturn might view the Moon as immature and annoying. With time, they will learn a lot from one another and during the course of this friendship, the Moon will evolve and become more of a Capricorn persona, protecting their emotions but they will learn how to find positive ways to let the pain flow through and out of their hearts. This can be binding for these friends as both will learn a lot in the long run and they will tend to look back on what blossomed between them.

Platonic Synastry (Sun Signs)

Platonic Synastry series because I rarely see this on the internet. I will focus on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus. I may or may not add Saturn but I’ll try. The series will kick off with the Sun and how it impacts the major personal planets. Outer planets won’t be involved since these are generational and that’s a different topic to touch at another time.

Sun / Sun – You understand each other because you have some of the same ideals and philosophies. There is a spark in the connection and if the Moon aspects allow, there could be a feeling of solidarity and camaraderie. On the flip side, they can see one another as enemies if they are in Fire placements since competitiveness will strike. As they mature they will continue and appreciate each other. Even if they have a falling out, they will give credit to the other while maintaining a grudge.

Sun / Moon — The Sun may initiate a friendship with the Moon, as these two might find one another irresistible in a platonic sense. Sun wants to bring the Moon into their social circles, they want to share and might even see them as a sibling. A connection that can be stronger than blood. These friends will love the artistic side of things. Expect them at the art events, concerts or just hanging out a lot. There is a strong bond formed here with trust and respect. Friendships for a lifetime.

Sun / Mercury — Conversations between these two are interesting and Mercury brings out the intellectual side of the Sun. This is great for a creative work relationship or a close friendship in a business involved with publishing, art or entertainment. Sun can see Mercury as someone that they can confide in, if they are in Earth or Water elements. The dynamic with Fire and Air can lean towards gossip.

Sun / Mars — Sun sees Mars as the competition. In school or work, Sun might either secretly despise and respect Mars. They can reach some levels of compromise but the Mars will rarely sense the envy behind the Sun. This is a position that creates a long lasting competitive relationship. Mars will shine and even when the Sun might reach the summit, they will see Mars as a threat. Especially prominent in Fire and Earth, especially Capricorn. With fire signs, expect them to play lots of sports, express love through hitting each other and yelling at each other as a sign of affection.

Sun / Venus — Venus will represent and embody everything the Sun wishes that they resembled. Even if Venus is not conventionally beautiful, the Sun will be admire their mannerisms. This is a relationship where both will appreciate the aesthetics of the other and if other placements allow, this will be a comfortable placement for both to have since it brings peace and harmony between both parties. This would be the group of friends with the similar aesthetic. A Libra and Virgo dominant group with Sun and Venus connections would have flawless makeup and style. An Aquarian group would most likely have a more intellectual connection, either a science fiction and technology squad or D&D. (These are examples so dont assume only Libras like makeup and Aquarians like nerdy things).

Sun / Saturn — A mature relationship where the Sun will look up to Saturn but would not be inclined to party with them. Saturn takes on a parental role amongst their friends, this is the one they look up to and may seek advice even if Saturn is a hot mess. Sun will see Saturn as a party pooper or as their Mentor. This is an interesting placement to have between friends. Saturn can also add an air of responsibility to the Sun, especially when the Sun feels like they are spiraling out of control.

Astrological Transits: Outer Planets

Pluto Transits: Pain, challenges and transformations. This is a transit not for the lighthearted. With the conjunction, depending on the house transiting Pluto is in, you will experience a powerful force destabilizing your world. It’s almost as if you are standing along in an unknown area in the darkness and are trying to see which way to go. The square and opposition forced you to face challenges, even if you have been avoiding or prepping for them, they will still feel sudden and painful. This is a time for necessary growth to shape you for years to come. The transits happening in the Angular Houses serve to push us to reach a new level of consciousness. We are no longer the same after dealing with Pluto, there is no turning back. Our new persona wields the strength to face challenges in the future.

Saturn Transits: Mentally crippling, challenging but you end with a powerful tool after the transit. Self discovery and discipline are acquired. Here we are faced with where we have failed to thrive and we learn the harsh lessons after the transit. If we fail, we continue to learn until it sticks to us. This is a transit for growth, introspection and self love. The gifts that you receive will allow for you to not fall back into old patterns. Saturn conjunctions to personal planets make you work. Stopping is not an option, especially when there is a conjunction with the Sun. Venus makes you care about loyalty and self control, Moon restricts you from feeling emotions you have been trying to bury. A Saturn conjunction with Mercury makes you more inclined to think before you speak. Oppositions and squares teach you to learn about balance, self control and organization.

Neptune Transits: A literal dream state. Foggy memory, hard to stay focused and motivated. These transits are pleasant for those who want to escape the real world because they present a glamorized version of reality. The lessons here are to face the hardships, accept the pain you feel and to release thoughts from the past. Stop glamorizing the past and learn to live in the present. Face your fears and tackle challenges with a clear mind and open eyes. This is a transit where you’ll encounter charlatans and when natal Venus is aspected by transiting Neptune, we will idealize most of the people who we may be interested in becoming romantically involved with. It can become challenging when the natal Sun is conjunct, Square or Opposing Neptune because we can become more forgiving towards people who do not deserve it. Learn your limits and set boundaries during this transit. You’ll become more aware of the people around you after it’s over.

Uranus Transits: Unexpected news, relocation, new people. For those who like stability and fear change, this transit can give you a dose of anxiety and fear. This transit helps us to deal with the unexpected. We learn to cut ties, trust our decision making. Uranus alleviates the pressures felt in the House it is transiting. I personally enjoy Uranus transits because it allows you to remove any blockages in energy, paving the way for better things. When it conjuncts your Sun, you feel a burst of energy that is challenging at first because it can feel like you’re in the middle of a storm but once the clouds clear and the rain stops, you see a new and better perspective. The Moon and Venus connections promote change in relationships or overall growth. Mercury allows you to explore new ways of thinking. The Opposition and Square are not as challenging as Pluto and Saturn but if you are against change, it can feel painful. Embrace the changes that come with these Uranus transits that aspect your personal planets because you will look back and be mesmerized with who you’ve become.

Chiron Transits: Chiron is a special one. It is not an outer planet but a comet. It’s influence is very similar to an outer planet because it moves at a slower pace than personal ones. Astrologers will emphasize how Chiron also teaches lessons and allows us to find the perfect path to healing. This transit is filled with heavy energy because it digs deep into our psyche allowing for a new method of processing things we have avoided that have caused us pain in the past. This transit wants you to come face to face with whatever trauma is hidden in the House it is transiting as well as the House it is aspecting with your personal planets. You are pressured to find a form of release or therapy to handling issues. People will go to therapists, seek Yoga instructors or start to write, paint, sing as outlets to clear out their trauma. Chiron teaches us how to live with our failures, our demons and how to confront fears. It tells us what is hidden in the shadows, it shows us what we need to do and it is up to us to find good methods to clearing out trauma. This transit can allow you to become a mentor yourself because you have endured and survived. Expect a new sense of strength and power after the transit. You will feel lighter and freer.

February Happenings and Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day should be a day to focus on self love, since Venus really encourages that. Remember the themes from the Venus Retrograde involving the self and how our emotional reliance on others was probably not healthy. We need to learn to be comfortable with us and who we are first in order to appreciate and continue to receive the love, care and trust from those around us. Self love creates an attraction to other forms of pure and true relationships, this is the gateway to clarity and success. When we focus on us every once in a while and our needs, it is a step towards progress and growth. I am not a fan of one sided relationships where one party gives and gives But doesn’t receive some reciprocity. Of course, I am not condoning narcissistic love but it’s ok to let your ego thrive every once in a while. The issue with self sacrificing love is that people tend to walk over those who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Take a step back, enjoy the relationships you are in but learn that you too need care and support. You should start to take time for you and enjoy as well as appreciate your accomplishments and successes. Failures are steps that have helped us learn and grow, so remember those as well. You are here because of your strength and fortitude so this Valentine’s Day remember that you’re worth a million bucks.

Aries: With Mars shifting to Taurus, you focus on yourself and well-being. Financial matters will take precedence for the next few months and you will be a superstar at school or work. Bask in the glory. This Valentine’s Day you are surrounded by people you love and adore, so appreciate all you have around you.

Taurus: Now that Mars is entering the first, you might be more reactive and driven to get things done. You take your time with things because you enjoy seeing results. With Venus lighting up your mind, you will be in a more social mood, sparking up conversations and impacting others with your words. You might also interact with foreign people this transit or plan an unexpected trip.

Gemini: A time to focus on what is to come, to learn from the past and find the strength to move forward. With Venus in Taurus, expect some income coming your way. This Valentine’s Day if you’re not single, expect it to be romantic and private. Single folks might rekindle a romance or learn what they want in a potential partner.

Cancer: You are vibrant and more social. It is easy for you to take center stage as you gear up for the week. This transit will allow you to engage with more people that will impact your social status. Your relationships will take a more serious tone as you contemplate what comes next.

Leo: Valentine’s Day is a time to show off how great you look to your partner and if you are single, to friends at a party. Expect to be noticed and appreciated. You will definitely enjoy this because it makes you feel recharged. You will be popular and will focus more on you.

Virgo: A time to reconnect with friends and have fun on Valentine’s Day and for the next month. You will be inspired and philosophical as you interact with new people and make new friend. This is the time to either travel, take a vacation or escape with a nice novel.

Libra: Lovely Libras will want to beautify their home. With Venus in Capricorn, you will want to make your abode as cozy and loving as possible. This is also the time to settle on any debts. This Valentine’s Day could be steamy or just filled with lovey dovey romance as Mars enters sensual Taurus, making things extra exciting.

Scorpio: Relationships come to the forefront as this transit heats up for fixed signs. Valentine’s Day will be passionate and exciting for you. You know how to romance and your words will be more lovely and hypnotic than usual. There will be a lot of emotional growth for you this transit which will inspire you to change some habits.

Sagittarius: Luxurious items might catch your eye as you struggle to close the purse. Valentine’s Day you might splurge on loved ones or yourself. You will understand what self love means with this transit. Work will be your main focus as you continue towards your road to success. Pamper yourself because you’ve earned it but don’t go too crazy.

Capricorn: Capricorns will feel more glamorous as Venus transits your Ascendant. There will be a drive to look more presentable, so don’t be surprised if you splurge for an event or get pampered since this is your time to look and feel vibrant. Saturn puts a bit of a cloud in your first but Venus gives you a little more excitement and with Mars in an Earth sign, you feel the energy shift.

Aquarius: Home will take precedence for you this transit as you decide to host some festive events or intimate gatherings for friends and family. With Venus in Capricorn, you feel relaxed and introspective. This Valentine’s Day you might want to retreat into your own world with a special someone.

Pisces: With Mercury in your sign, you might feel inspired to dream and connect with others. With Mars in Taurus you are dreaming about romance and love. You are in the spotlight as you become more charming during this transit since your season is looming about. This Valentine’s Day don’t be afraid to express your love.