Platonic Synastry (Sun Signs)

Platonic Synastry series because I rarely see this on the internet. I will focus on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus. I may or may not add Saturn but I’ll try. The series will kick off with the Sun and how it impacts the major personal planets. Outer planets won’t be involved since these are generational and that’s a different topic to touch at another time.

Sun / Sun – You understand each other because you have some of the same ideals and philosophies. There is a spark in the connection and if the Moon aspects allow, there could be a feeling of solidarity and camaraderie. On the flip side, they can see one another as enemies if they are in Fire placements since competitiveness will strike. As they mature they will continue and appreciate each other. Even if they have a falling out, they will give credit to the other while maintaining a grudge.

Sun / Moon — The Sun may initiate a friendship with the Moon, as these two might find one another irresistible in a platonic sense. Sun wants to bring the Moon into their social circles, they want to share and might even see them as a sibling. A connection that can be stronger than blood. These friends will love the artistic side of things. Expect them at the art events, concerts or just hanging out a lot. There is a strong bond formed here with trust and respect. Friendships for a lifetime.

Sun / Mercury — Conversations between these two are interesting and Mercury brings out the intellectual side of the Sun. This is great for a creative work relationship or a close friendship in a business involved with publishing, art or entertainment. Sun can see Mercury as someone that they can confide in, if they are in Earth or Water elements. The dynamic with Fire and Air can lean towards gossip.

Sun / Mars — Sun sees Mars as the competition. In school or work, Sun might either secretly despise and respect Mars. They can reach some levels of compromise but the Mars will rarely sense the envy behind the Sun. This is a position that creates a long lasting competitive relationship. Mars will shine and even when the Sun might reach the summit, they will see Mars as a threat. Especially prominent in Fire and Earth, especially Capricorn. With fire signs, expect them to play lots of sports, express love through hitting each other and yelling at each other as a sign of affection.

Sun / Venus — Venus will represent and embody everything the Sun wishes that they resembled. Even if Venus is not conventionally beautiful, the Sun will be admire their mannerisms. This is a relationship where both will appreciate the aesthetics of the other and if other placements allow, this will be a comfortable placement for both to have since it brings peace and harmony between both parties. This would be the group of friends with the similar aesthetic. A Libra and Virgo dominant group with Sun and Venus connections would have flawless makeup and style. An Aquarian group would most likely have a more intellectual connection, either a science fiction and technology squad or D&D. (These are examples so dont assume only Libras like makeup and Aquarians like nerdy things).

Sun / Saturn — A mature relationship where the Sun will look up to Saturn but would not be inclined to party with them. Saturn takes on a parental role amongst their friends, this is the one they look up to and may seek advice even if Saturn is a hot mess. Sun will see Saturn as a party pooper or as their Mentor. This is an interesting placement to have between friends. Saturn can also add an air of responsibility to the Sun, especially when the Sun feels like they are spiraling out of control.

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