Chiron in the Natal Chart

I’ve recently started to read up on Chiron and have wondered how it impacts our charts. Looking at how these transits have impacted me, I am really noticing a trend with each planet. However, Chiron’s influence is also powerful as I have noticed recently once the asteroid moved into the sign of Aries. For those that do not know, Chiron acts like washing machine (a rustic example, but it’s easier to explain). When you start the cycle, the asteroid has moved into a planet, when the water is rising, you feel it’s shadow effects and then when the machine starts to spin, it is when the chaos begins in your mind. Old memories can be pulled out from underneath, everything blends, and you feel as if you are in a disarray. If in the natal chart, Chiron is in a Mercury sign (Gemini or Virgo), you might feel the power of the transits because that nervous energy will fuel and ignite your mind. For those who have Chiron in either Pisces or Jupiter natally, you might want the Chiron transits because they can feel liberating, like a nice ordering of problems, a much-needed purge that leads to a cleansing period, ready for you to tackle them. Your machine settings are in gentle, compared to the chaotic turbulence spin cycle from the Geminis and Virgos.

Chiron in Aries/Chiron in the 1st House – You are a self-saboteur. You do not feel worthy of anything and you go out of your way to ruin things that can bring you happiness. You project your self-hatred and manifest it in intimate relationships. Because you cannot find a value in yourself, you also harm those potential romantic relationships knowingly and directly. Learn to love and appreciate who you are. There is strength in you, there is power.

Chiron in Taurus/Chiron in the 2nd House – There are past wounds to heal involving your self-worth. You might not feel comfortable expressing who you are or do not see any form of potential in yourself. Possessions become synonymous with your self-esteem. This can push you to hoard as many items as possible. Learn to let go and to believe in yourself. The items of greatest value are not seen in the physical realm, but in the spiritual.

Chiron in Gemini/Chiron in the 3rd House – Expressing yourself will be challenging. From a very young age you doubted your intellect by simply assuming you were not good or smart enough. This compelled you to become a voracious learner on your own. When the teachers gave up on you, you pursued knowledge on your own. Even if you manage to achieve the highest forms of educational degrees, you will continue to feel inferior.

Chiron in Cancer/Chiron in the 4th House – Conflicts with the mother. You can have tensions at home with maternal figures. There seems to be a pain that cannot fully heal, even if you have worked through some resolved issues. Letting go is part of the hardest process with Chiron placements. Open your heart and accept those that love you, learn to give them the love you have desired especially in your home.

Chiron in Leo/Chiron in the 5th House – You might not want to be involved in social events; there could be some guilt relating to enjoying yourself and experiencing any pleasures life throws your way. Practicing a cautious approach to things is also your forte. There is a creative side that goes untapped out of fear. Make sure to show and let others experience the wonders your imagination can bring to the masses. There should never be a reason to lock away the rays of the sun when the world is shrouded in darkness.

Chiron in Virgo/Chiron in the 6th House – Very much like Chiron in Aries, this placement can become their own worst enemy. Which is why they end up being one of the most generous souls around. They channel that self-hatred into going out of their way to help others. The native needs to understand that they are worthy of happiness, success and that they can one day breakout into the limelight. When they have evolved, they will use their voice to service others on a grand scale.

Chiron in Libra/Chiron in the 7th House – Independence takes on a major theme because the native does not feel worthy of being in a relationship. Things might feel off when you first connect with someone. Connections can feel Karmic. Here the native experiences transformations with each partnership, be it romantic or platonic. They will learn to move on from their fear of being partnered up. Once past karmic debts have been repaid, they may even find a soulmate, but it all depends on how willing the native is to let go and be loved.

Chiron in Scorpio/Chiron in the 8th House – This is a tough placement for Chiron, since the wounds can turn psychological, like those in the 4th and 12th Houses. Here the native fights its shadow self, wondering how they can overcome and reach the next phase. Chiron must fight here and it can feel like fighting towards survival in the beginning, but in time, the native gets more astute and transforms. Several incarnations in their current lives will allow them to become victorious, helping them move on and be free of the chains in their mind.

Chiron in Sagittarius/Chiron in the 9th House – Chiron is exalted in the 9th House since it is in its natural domicile. Here the student becomes the teacher and vice versa. When in doubt, the teacher reverts back to the student and continues their mission of learning. This is a placement that allows the native to dissect and learn everything around them. They will have a greater appreciation of how people interact, how history partakes into our lives and how we are all connected in the grander scheme of things.

Chiron in Capricorn/Chiron in the 10th House – Your faith in your work ethic could suffer from a crushing blow to the ego the moment a superior tells you that you have made some errors. Learning to accept constructive criticisms will help you in the long run. Do not feel weak or inferior because you are not at the top. This is a placement that can help inspire others to reach their true potential. Chiron near the Midheaven can bring about a higher purpose. Once you have healed from within, you can teach the world as well.

Chiron in Aquarius/Chiron in the 11th House – Being part of groups feels like a bit of a torment. You want to express your individuality to the masses, but you fear not being accepted. In order to move on from this, just believe in who you are and if people do not accept it, let them be. No use hiding the light you can bring to the world out of fear of not being accepted.

Chiron in Pisces/Chiron in the 12th House – Wounds that are inexplicable might surface throughout your life. This placement reminds me of Saturn in the 12th, churning the unwanted memories, wondering how to make amends. Your role will be focused on helping those that need you. Lend a helping hand or listen to them, you will impact their lives in wonderful ways.

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